

... “I have heard a waif word in the country,” said I, a little nettled, “that you were a hard man to drive...         “I have heard a waif word in the country,” said I, a little nettled, “that      you were a hard man to driveの読み方
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」

...Then, too, there was the mute appeal of this wee waif alone and unlovedin the midst of the horrors of the savage jungle...   Then, too, there was the mute appeal of this wee waif alone and unlovedin the midst of the horrors of the savage jungleの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」

... She only wanted to know that Jack loved the littleArab waif...    She only wanted to know that Jack loved the littleArab waifの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

..."And really you didn't marry an Arab waif after all," said Meriem...   And really you didnt marry an Arab waif after all, said Meriemの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...Her maid Fanchon—a little French waif picked up in the slums of Soho—helped to readjust a stray curl which had rebelled against the comb...   Her maid Fanchon—a      little French waif picked up in the slums of Soho—helped to readjust      a stray curl which had rebelled against the combの読み方
Baroness Emmuska Orczy 「The Elusive Pimpernel」

...Needless to say, MissSlessor was off, and had that waif home...   Needless to say, MissSlessor was off, and had that waif homeの読み方
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」

...The mothersabandon their offspring on slight provocation, and even none at allsometimes, if we may judge from the condition of the little waif thatfell into our hands...   The mothersabandon their offspring on slight provocation, and even none at allsometimes, if we may judge from the condition of the little waif thatfell into our handsの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」

...Forall his age, Lad was a terrible and terrifying figure as he stood guardover the helpless waif...   Forall his age, Lad was a terrible and terrifying figure as he stood guardover the helpless waifの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...There is no getting rid of a cat when it once concludes to board itself upon you, and this little waif soon established herself for good at Ashburnham House...   There is no getting rid of a cat when it once concludes to board itself upon you, and this little waif soon established herself for good at Ashburnham Houseの読み方
Gordon Stables 「The Domestic Cat」

...Owen, a Waif...   Owen, a Waifの読み方
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」

...Blunt, with a wild hope that this waif and stray might be the lover of Sarah Purfoy, dead, lowered a boat and picked him up...   Blunt, with a wild hope that this waif and stray      might be the lover of Sarah Purfoy, dead, lowered a boat and picked him      upの読み方
Marcus Clarke 「For the Term of His Natural Life」



abandonment   punctilio   cylindric  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
美男美女   脱炭素   再軍備  

