

...Save for the splash he made as he struck the water, narrowly missing one of the crowded boats that waited under the counter, not a sound announced his misadventure...   Save for the splash he made as he struck the water, narrowly      missing one of the crowded boats that waited under the counter, not a      sound announced his misadventureの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

...Tarzan heard the great splash as the huge creature plunged into thepool behind him; he heard the churning waters as it forged rapidlyonward in his wake...   Tarzan heard the great splash as the huge creature plunged into thepool behind him; he heard the churning waters as it forged rapidlyonward in his wakeの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

... It made a prodigious splash, sending a shower ofspray over Laputa and the Collar...    It made a prodigious splash, sending a shower ofspray over Laputa and the Collarの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

... “You’ve a good house here, mother, though it wants a splash of paint,” said I...         “You’ve a good house here, mother, though it wants a splash of paint,”       said Iの読み方
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」

...There was scarcely a splash, and no extra ripple at all...   There was scarcely a splash, and no extra ripple at allの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

...As we coast along the shore, pieces which are undermined often fall in with a splash like that caused by the plunge of an alligator, and endanger the canoe...   As we coast along the shore, pieces which are undermined often      fall in with a splash like that caused by the plunge of an alligator, and      endanger the canoeの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...Plash, splash, plash, splash, were the only sounds we heard from the commencement of the march until we found the bomas occupying the only dry spots along the line of march...   Plash, splash, plash,      splash, were the only sounds we heard from the commencement of the march      until we found the bomas occupying the only dry spots along the line of      marchの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」

...She caught the coverings of the bedaround her, and was out in a greatwhite splash on the floor, fumblingwith the key in the lock...   She caught the coverings of the bedaround her, and was out in a greatwhite splash on the floor, fumblingwith the key in the lockの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」

...The trunk lid flew open, and sheknelt, looking like a boyish little novice,in the plain white night garment, withthe big splash of white spreading allover the floor about her...   The trunk lid flew open, and sheknelt, looking like a boyish little novice,in the plain white night garment, withthe big splash of white spreading allover the floor about herの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」

..., , and ), but into deep water, and fromany considerable height, they assume the most perfectpositions () and make very little splash...   , , and ), but into deep water, and fromany considerable height, they assume the most perfectpositions () and make very little splashの読み方
George Murray Levick 「Antarctic Penguins」

...Set the trap in the opening, and splash water over the brush and banks...   Set the trap in the opening, and splash water over the brush and banksの読み方
Elmer Harry Kreps 「Science of Trapping」

...He had the lake to splash ecstatically in: Hehad all he wanted to eat; and he had all the petting his hungry littleheart could crave...   He had the lake to splash ecstatically in: Hehad all he wanted to eat; and he had all the petting his hungry littleheart could craveの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...The bath should always be given outdoors, because it takes theducks only a few minutes to splash so much water out of the tub thateverything around it is thoroughly wet...   The bath should always be given outdoors, because it takes theducks only a few minutes to splash so much water out of the tub thateverything around it is thoroughly wetの読み方
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」

...Whenin pursuit of prey it sinks beneath the surface without plungeor splash, the head disappearing last, and it traverses perhapstwo or three hundred yards of water before it rises again...   Whenin pursuit of prey it sinks beneath the surface without plungeor splash, the head disappearing last, and it traverses perhapstwo or three hundred yards of water before it rises againの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...If you are unobserved,it swims steadily for a short distance, then suddenly disappears,making no splash or noise, but slipping into the water as if itsbody were lubricated...   If you are unobserved,it swims steadily for a short distance, then suddenly disappears,making no splash or noise, but slipping into the water as if itsbody were lubricatedの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...They went so fast part ofthe time that, when they came down to the surface of the water again,they plunged along with a splash and ploughed a furrow in the waterbefore they could come to a stop...   They went so fast part ofthe time that, when they came down to the surface of the water again,they plunged along with a splash and ploughed a furrow in the waterbefore they could come to a stopの読み方
Edith M. Patch 「Bird Stories」



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