

... The slave writhed in his stocks until he was in danger of breaking his limbs, and writhing, screamed in agony...         The slave writhed in his stocks until he was in danger of breaking his      limbs, and writhing, screamed in agonyの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

... “Died?” screamed Esteban...         “Died?” screamed Estebanの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

... She screamed atthe bulls to hasten to Tarzan's assistance; but the bulls wereotherwise engaged—principally in giving advice and making faces...    She screamed atthe bulls to hasten to Tarzans assistance; but the bulls wereotherwise engaged—principally in giving advice and making facesの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

... Teeka screamed to Gazan to climb higher, and thelittle fellow scampered upward among the tiny branches which would notsupport the weight of the great bull; but nevertheless Toog kept onclimbing...    Teeka screamed to Gazan to climb higher, and thelittle fellow scampered upward among the tiny branches which would notsupport the weight of the great bull; but nevertheless Toog kept onclimbingの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

..."Kill the white ape!" screamed Gozan, "he is no ape at all; but aGomangani with his skin off...   Kill the white ape! screamed Gozan, he is no ape at all; but aGomangani with his skin offの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

..."Jad-guru-don!Jad-guru-don!" they screamed...   Jad-guru-don!Jad-guru-don! they screamedの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

... The priestesses,her votaresses, screamed and fled madly toward the exits...    The priestesses,her votaresses, screamed and fled madly toward the exitsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

... Another thunderous roar broke from the savagethroat, the woman screamed and swooned across the body of the manstretched prostrate upon the stone altar before her...    Another thunderous roar broke from the savagethroat, the woman screamed and swooned across the body of the manstretched prostrate upon the stone altar before herの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

..."The tree!" screamed Akut...   The tree! screamed Akutの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...But the monkey only screamed his warning more lustily before he racedupward toward the safety of the high terrace where Mangani, the greatape, could not follow...   But the monkey only screamed his warning more lustily before he racedupward toward the safety of the high terrace where Mangani, the greatape, could not followの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

..."I am Tarzan of the Apes!" screamed the ape-man...   I am Tarzan of the Apes! screamed the ape-manの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...He beat upon hisgreat breast and screamed forth his challenge as his smooth, brownhide brushed the shaggy coats of his fellows...   He beat upon hisgreat breast and screamed forth his challenge as his smooth, brownhide brushed the shaggy coats of his fellowsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

... At thesame time, Smith-Oldwick discharged his weapon and a yellow-coatedwarrior screamed and crumpled forward upon his face...    At thesame time, Smith-Oldwick discharged his weapon and a yellow-coatedwarrior screamed and crumpled forward upon his faceの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...'You lie,' he screamed in that queer broken voice which much fevergives...   You lie, he screamed in that queer broken voice which much fevergivesの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

... He slept like a boy until dawn; and he and Hyde had scarcely exchanged another dozen words when the train screamed next day into Delhi station...         He slept like a boy until dawn; and he and Hyde had scarcely exchanged      another dozen words when the train screamed next day into Delhi stationの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

... Suddenly, ten yards in the lead down the dark tunnel the horse threw his weight back with a clatter of sparks and screamed as only a horse can...         Suddenly, ten yards in the lead down the dark tunnel the horse threw his      weight back with a clatter of sparks and screamed as only a horse canの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

...Yasmini screamed and moaned...   Yasmini screamed      and moanedの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

...My audience screamed...   My audience screamedの読み方
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」

...My "Baby" not only screamed, but kicked viciously...   My      Baby not only screamed, but kicked viciouslyの読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

... who screamed like sucking pigs and "squirmed" like young monkeys? ...    who      screamed like sucking pigs and squirmed like young monkeys?    の読み方
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」



minim   vixens   partake  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
大迷惑   棋聖戦   疲労感  

