

... Behind himhe had expected to see a horde of demons disguised as apes and panthers...     Behind himhe had expected to see a horde of demons disguised as apes and panthersの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」

... The blacksbelonging to Rokoff's safari were terror-stricken at the thought of theproximity of the white giant who hunted through the jungle with afierce pack of apes and panthers at his heels...    The blacksbelonging to Rokoffs safari were terror-stricken at the thought of theproximity of the white giant who hunted through the jungle with afierce pack of apes and panthers at his heelsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」

...Great numbers of 'puti' ('duiker') and 'puruhuru' ('steinbuck') skins are got too, besides those of lions, leopards, panthers, and hyaenas...   Great      numbers of puti (duiker) and puruhuru (steinbuck) skins are got      too, besides those of lions, leopards, panthers, and hyaenasの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...He told of two occasions where he had had adventures with panthers and they screamed fearfully...   He told of two occasions where he had had adventures with panthers and they screamed fearfullyの読み方
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」

...It seems to me panthers are thicker here than wildcats in Pennsylvania...   It seems to me panthers are thicker here than wildcats in Pennsylvaniaの読み方
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」

...I have always avoided the use of the term leopard,except when speaking of the hunting chita, preferring to call theothers panthers...   I have always avoided the use of the term leopard,except when speaking of the hunting chita, preferring to call theothers panthersの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...We creptinto the woods as silent as panthers and as"purry" in the ardor of the chase...   We creptinto the woods as silent as panthers and aspurry in the ardor of the chaseの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...In Mexico they also have a great many animalsthat prey on the live stock, such as panthers, lobo wolves, bears, aswell as the common, ordinary coyote...   In Mexico they also have a great many animalsthat prey on the live stock, such as panthers, lobo wolves, bears, aswell as the common, ordinary coyoteの読み方
Florida State Live Stock Association 「Florida: An Ideal Cattle State」

...For the rest, it is much more akin to the tigers, jaguars, and true panthers...   For the rest, it is much more akin to the tigers, jaguars, and true panthersの読み方
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」

...My first personal acquaintance with leopards and panthers was made onthe leeward coast of Africa, and one of the latter brought by Mr...   My first personal acquaintance with leopards and panthers was made onthe leeward coast of Africa, and one of the latter brought by Mrの読み方
R. Lee 「Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals」

...The same cruel practice is found among leopards, panthers, and wildcats...   The same cruel practice is found among leopards, panthers, and wildcatsの読み方
Royal Dixon 「The Human Side of Animals」

...Lions, panthers, and pumasdress themselves very much as the domestic cat performs her toilette...   Lions, panthers, and pumasdress themselves very much as the domestic cat performs her toiletteの読み方
Royal Dixon 「The Human Side of Animals」

...When the Kayans have shot one of the dreaded Bornean panthers,they are very anxious about the safety of their souls, for theythink that the soul of a panther is almost more powerful than theirown...   When the Kayans have shot one of the dreaded Bornean panthers,they are very anxious about the safety of their souls, for theythink that the soul of a panther is almost more powerful than theirownの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...11), as well as those of his panthers, and the cloudings of thetortoise-shell of Hermes, are all significant of this light of the skybroken by cloud-shadow...   11), as well as those of his panthers, and the cloudings of thetortoise-shell of Hermes, are all significant of this light of the skybroken by cloud-shadowの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Art」



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