...She announced her condition by along, heartbreaking wolf howl that sent every dog bristling with fear, thensprang straight for Buck...
Jack London 「The Call of the Wild」
...Once again he took to wandering in thewoods, but the wild brother came no more; and though he listened through longvigils, the mournful howl was never raised...
Jack London 「The Call of the Wild」
...Another had his legs shot away, and was looking around with surprised eyes and a black mouth rounded into an effort to howl, but from which no sound ever came...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...Tonight the women of the old witch-doctor would moan and howl...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」
...The gorillas let go all, raised themselves up for a second, gave a quaintsound between a bark and a howl, and then the ladies and the young gentlemanstarted home...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...When they have taken their places the musicians begin playing on their instruments, while the dancers commence a strange chant, more like a howl than a song...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...His appearance was announced by the Mpungi, the Egyptian Zagharit, the Persian Kil; this "lullilooing" in the bush country becomes an odd moaning howl like the hyaena's laugh...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」
...Howl after howl rose in the night, swelled, and died away...
W. E. B. Du Bois 「Darkwater」
..."Dat 's des lack po' ole Dan useter howl," observed Julius, as hereached for his umbrella, "en w'at I be'n tellin' you is de reason Idoan lack ter see dat neck er woods cl'ared up...
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The Conjure Woman」
...Theprincipal objection made to this by those who hold opposite viewsis the fact that no dog in a wild state barks, but only howls...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...This hybrid died when twenty monthsold, and is said to have been mild and gentle; its howl seems to havehad more of the bark in it than the cry of the hybrid jackal, andto have been more dog-like...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...Hence we read that the wind(Vâyus or Rudrâs) gave birth, from the womb of the celestialcow, to the winds that howl in the tempest (Marutasand Rudrâs), called for this reason children of the cow...
Angelo de Gubernatis 「Zoological Mythology, Volume I (of 2)」
...Owing to the difficulty of securing wolvesunder most favorable circumstances, especiallyold ones, it would be considered folly to makea drive if the matinal howl had not beenheard...
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」
...It had ducked himand had robbed him even of the chance to howl...
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」
slithering ridley visor