...Itends in disunion, and never in harmony...
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」
...If man or woman could only wait in seasons ofanger, all would blow over and harmony returnlike spring flowers, that are not always inblossom...
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」
..., accord, harmony...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...All were surprised at this martial and doleful harmony,especially Don Quixote, who was so agitated that he could scarcelykeep his seat...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
...Within themwas heard the sound of trumpets, hautboys, and other martialinstruments, that filled the air with sweet and cheering harmony...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
...But we will not disturb our present harmony with the unpleasant anticipation of misfortunes which we still hope to avert...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
... His lower jaw drooped in vacuous harmony...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」
...And thereupon he rose from his sack of Indian corn, stretching himself, and making all his bones crack, one after the other, with a sort of harmony...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」
... These words were uttered with a harmony of tone and respect of manner that disarmed the queen of all anger and suspicion, but did not remove her feeling of curiosity...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」
... The boy growled in harmony with the ape...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」
...At Poole, in Dorsetshire, I laid the foundation of a committee, to act in harmony with that of London for the promotion of the cause...
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...Domestic harmony is in some degree provided for, by allotting a separate residence to each wife...
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」
reminiscence misunderstand detraction