

...The idle moments afforded him an opportunity to evolve a moresatisfactory scheme for attaching his stolen caudal appendage...   The idle moments afforded him an opportunity to evolve a moresatisfactory scheme for attaching his stolen caudal appendageの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...Hisobject is merely to evolve some sortof a “roast” that has a semblance ofnovelty...   Hisobject is merely to evolve some sortof a “roast” that has a semblance ofnoveltyの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905」

..."Capability to evolve anything is not one of the marked characteristics of the Far East...   Capability to evolve anything is not one of the marked    characteristics of the Far Eastの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...The primitive mouth is closed sooner or later in all the vertebrates, anddoes not evolve into the permanent mouth-aperture; it rather corresponds to the“properistoma,” or region of the anus...   The primitive mouth is closed sooner or later in all the vertebrates, anddoes not evolve into the permanent mouth-aperture; it rather corresponds to the“properistoma,” or region of the anusの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...Life, as was said in the first chapter, is something unique, with theunique property of being able to evolve...   Life, as was said in the first chapter, is something unique, with theunique property of being able to evolveの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...They must evolve with it, indeed, or perish...   They must evolve with it, indeed, or perishの読み方
E. Walter Maunder 「Are the Planets Inhabited?」

...To evolve such an animal as agreyhound from its remote ancestors, according to Mr...   To evolve such an animal as agreyhound from its remote ancestors, according to Mrの読み方
Oliver Lodge 「Pioneers of Science」



regenerating   authorship   dummies  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
一般人   言語道断   完全自動運転  

