

...There was nothing in the gardens but a few dahlias and chrysanthemums, and I suppose that for two hundred miles round there was not a rose to be bought for love or money...   There was nothing in the gardens but a few dahlias and      chrysanthemums, and I suppose that for two hundred miles round there was      not a rose to be bought for love or moneyの読み方
Olive Schreiner 「Dream Life and Real Life」

...Salter has given me a list of seven differently coloured chrysanthemums, which have all produced branches with yellow flowers; but three of them have also sported into other colours...   Salter has given me a list of seven  differently coloured chrysanthemums, which have all produced branches  with yellow flowers; but three of them have also sported into other  coloursの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...For dining table, now,and for living-room and guest rooms, nothing was left but the mauve andbronze hardy chrysanthemums which made gay the flower border at thecrest of the lawn overlooking the lake...   For dining table, now,and for living-room and guest rooms, nothing was left but the mauve andbronze hardy chrysanthemums which made gay the flower border at thecrest of the lawn overlooking the lakeの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...In the garden the chrysanthemums and theloquat trees are still in flower; the poinsettias put forththeir showy scarlet bracts and the roses and violets begin toproduce their fragrant flowers...   In the garden the chrysanthemums and theloquat trees are still in flower; the poinsettias put forththeir showy scarlet bracts and the roses and violets begin toproduce their fragrant flowersの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...Whether thesubject is a young prince or a pigeon perched on the summit of a rock fromwhich chrysanthemums are springing, the same dignified and tranquilnobility is asserted with ease...   Whether thesubject is a young prince or a pigeon perched on the summit of a rock fromwhich chrysanthemums are springing, the same dignified and tranquilnobility is asserted with easeの読み方
Raphael Petrucci Frances Seaver 「Chinese Painters」

... Then he would keep splendid horses, and grow rare roses and show-bench chrysanthemums...         Then he would keep splendid horses, and grow rare roses and show-bench      chrysanthemumsの読み方
Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson 「Three Elephant Power」

...He would not only dig up the roses, trees, and chrysanthemums he had planted, but would also cart away the soil he had brought in; in fact, he used to shift the garden bodily...   He would not only dig up the roses, trees, and      chrysanthemums he had planted, but would also cart away the soil he had      brought in; in fact, he used to shift the garden bodilyの読み方
Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson 「Three Elephant Power」

...He had one garden that he shifted to nearly every suburb in Sydney; and he always argued that the change of air was invaluable for chrysanthemums...   He had one garden      that he shifted to nearly every suburb in Sydney; and he always argued      that the change of air was invaluable for chrysanthemumsの読み方
Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson 「Three Elephant Power」



Tenino   Wellesley   ne'er  


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