...Heaven distributes trials according to the greatness of our hearts...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...The Krooman of maturer age, on his return from an expedition of this kind, buys a wife, or perhaps more than one, and distributes the rest of his accumulated gains among his relatives...
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」
...The abdomenmoreover remains motionless and seems unskilled in those slaps, as ofa washerwoman's bat, which the amorous denizen of the ash-tree sovigorously distributes with his belly...
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」
...To organize them, to direct the placing of them, the nervous system, the embryo of the animal, distributes its ramifications over them...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
... One might also bring forward the case of the Three-pronged Osmia, who distributes the two sexes without any order in the hollow of her reed...
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」
...He distributes them methodically,without hurrying, and takes a brief rest after each of them, as thoughhe wished to ascertain the effect produced...
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」
...From the richest he takes someof their store, and distributes it among those that are lesswell-provided...
Maurice Maeterlinck 「The Children's Life of the Bee」
...Naturally the driver endeavours to preserve his noble conquest, and distributes blows with the whip to those who wish to debauch it...
Frédéric Houssay 「The Industries of Animals」
...Thus, he bestows commendations upon Baldinelli andupon Zuccaro, his enemies,as well as upon his friends: he distributes censure and praise with anequal hand to Tuscan and other artists...
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」
..." "Go now, sire, and may He protect you who gives and distributes all good things...
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」
...It is so arranged that it distributes that forceover twenty-four hours...
Henry Warren 「Recreations in Astronomy」
...Absolute sovereign of mortals, He distributes happiness or unhappiness, according to His pleasure...
Jean Meslier Anna Knoop 「Superstition In All Ages (1732)」
Greenhills loaning jota