

...All those who knew Lord Jeffreys regarded this as the lull before the storm, and braced themselves for the explosion...   All those      who knew Lord Jeffreys regarded this as the lull before the storm, and      braced themselves for the explosionの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

... The Killer braced himself with the rope acrosshis hip, and as the antelope tautened the singing strands in a lastfrantic bound for liberty he was thrown over upon his back...    The Killer braced himself with the rope acrosshis hip, and as the antelope tautened the singing strands in a lastfrantic bound for liberty he was thrown over upon his backの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...I knew what was coming and braced my soul...   I knew what was coming and braced my soulの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「Darkwater」

...Knave, not at all averse tobattle (especially with a smaller dog), braced himselfand then moved forward, stiff-legged, fangsbare...   Knave, not at all averse tobattle (especially with a smaller dog), braced himselfand then moved forward, stiff-legged, fangsbareの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」

...Before they struck ground,the collie's teeth had found their goal ire the side of the largerdog's throat; and every whalebone muscle in Lad's body was braced tohold his enemy down...   Before they struck ground,the collies teeth had found their goal ire the side of the largerdogs throat; and every whalebone muscle in Lads body was braced tohold his enemy downの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...Thefeet braced themselves...   Thefeet braced themselvesの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...If he passed one of the servants, he growled and braced himself stiffly,while his hair rose in a ridge along his back...   If he passed one of the servants, he growled and braced himself stiffly,while his hair rose in a ridge along his backの読み方
Forrestine C. Hooker 「Prince Jan, St. Bernard」

...His firm muscles stiffened,he braced himself steadily and his strong back straightened...   His firm muscles stiffened,he braced himself steadily and his strong back straightenedの読み方
Forrestine C. Hooker 「Prince Jan, St. Bernard」

...Then he braced himself and leaped far out into the water that caught himlike many strong arms and dragged him under the waves...   Then he braced himself and leaped far out into the water that caught himlike many strong arms and dragged him under the wavesの読み方
Forrestine C. Hooker 「Prince Jan, St. Bernard」

...For Chum had managed to get a firm hold on the shoulder of his master'scoat—twelve inches under water—and had braced himself with all hiswiry strength for a tug which should lift Ferris to the surface...   For Chum had managed to get a firm hold on the shoulder of his masterscoat—twelve inches under water—and had braced himself with all hiswiry strength for a tug which should lift Ferris to the surfaceの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」

...When the string tightened around his neck, he braced himself; once hegrowled—again he snapped viciously at the babiche...   When the string tightened around his neck, he braced himself; once hegrowled—again he snapped viciously at the babicheの読み方
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」

...It was in these fields and over thesebreezy downs that thews and sinews wereto be braced, health and strength gathered,souls cleansed, if so be that the waysof the man were straight and true...   It was in these fields and over thesebreezy downs that thews and sinews wereto be braced, health and strength gathered,souls cleansed, if so be that the waysof the man were straight and trueの読み方
Major Gambier-Parry 「'Murphy'」

...The fore pair of legs should be braced to the front,and hind pair of legs, especially of moths, are to be braced outto fall neatly between the body and the wings...   The fore pair of legs should be braced to the front,and hind pair of legs, especially of moths, are to be braced outto fall neatly between the body and the wingsの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...Only the heads and shoulders of hisfellow-marauders showed above the water as they braced themselvesagainst the current, while his feet were off the bottom and they weresupporting him...   Only the heads and shoulders of hisfellow-marauders showed above the water as they braced themselvesagainst the current, while his feet were off the bottom and they weresupporting himの読み方
Jack London 「Tales of the Fish Patrol」

...The whole temple, in order that its stability may be preserved under the stress of submersion, has been braced up and underpinned, under the superintendence of Mr...   The whole temple, in order that its stability may be preserved      under the stress of submersion, has been braced up and underpinned, under      the superintendence of Mrの読み方
L.W. King and H.R. Hall 「History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery」

...All the stones were seton the surface, braced against one another; no excavation was made tohold them...   All the stones were seton the surface, braced against one another; no excavation was made tohold themの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...It is braced by connecting walls atright angles to the face of the solid rock...   It is braced by connecting walls atright angles to the face of the solid rockの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...Aline ofshelves, or lighting-boards, six to eight inches wide, should then be placed one inchbelow the bottom of these holes, and firmly braced beneath, and nailedto the weather-boarding of the house...   Aline ofshelves, or lighting-boards, six to eight inches wide, should then be placed one inchbelow the bottom of these holes, and firmly braced beneath, and nailedto the weather-boarding of the houseの読み方
Lewis Falley Allen 「Rural Architecture」

...Larry and I braced ourselves for theshock as Tina slid the door closed and hurried to the controls...   Larry and I braced ourselves for theshock as Tina slid the door closed and hurried to the controlsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」



tints   skunk   dingo  



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