

... “Here, wrap yourself in this big cloak,” Sapt continued to me, “and put on this flat cap...         “Here, wrap yourself in this big cloak,” Sapt continued to me, “and put on      this flat capの読み方
Anthony Hope 「The Prisoner of Zenda」

..."Do wrap the rug around you! I'llsend the men to fetch you as soon as ever I possibly can...   Do wrap the rug around you! Illsend the men to fetch you as soon as ever I possibly canの読み方
Grant Allen 「An African Millionaire」

...It should be sufficiently large to wrap the saddleup in completely, and in the summer the “syce” can bring it with him toact as a horse-cloth to throw over the quarters when standing about...   It should be sufficiently large to wrap the saddleup in completely, and in the summer the “syce” can bring it with him toact as a horse-cloth to throw over the quarters when standing aboutの読み方
Joshua A. Nunn 「Notes on Stable Management in India and the Colonies」

...We need only wrap thebirds which we wish to preserve—Thrushes, Partridges, Snipe and soon—in separate paper envelopes; and the same with our beef and mutton...   We need only wrap thebirds which we wish to preserve—Thrushes, Partridges, Snipe and soon—in separate paper envelopes; and the same with our beef and muttonの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」

...Anoint with the preservative and neatly wrap a piece of towaround the leg-bone (or tibia) to the supposed shape of the fleshpreviously removed...   Anoint with the preservative and neatly wrap a piece of towaround the leg-bone (or tibia) to the supposed shape of the fleshpreviously removedの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

...Consult note sketch and wrap a softneck of natural size upon the wire (see )...   Consult note sketch and wrap a softneck of natural size upon the wire (see )の読み方
Leon Luther Pray 「Taxidermy」

...Follow the outline sketchesand with thread and small cord wrap small,properly proportioned masses, squeezed firm inthe hand or finger tips, upon the bones, copyingNature's outline and form accurately...   Follow the outline sketchesand with thread and small cord wrap small,properly proportioned masses, squeezed firm inthe hand or finger tips, upon the bones, copyingNatures outline and form accuratelyの読み方
Leon Luther Pray 「Taxidermy」

..."If I am lost, I will at least have acaribou steak, and a skin to wrap me up in," I said, and plunged afterthem...   If I am lost, I will at least have acaribou steak, and a skin to wrap me up in, I said, and plunged afterthemの読み方
William J Long 「Wilderness Ways」

...Those from a long distance either find places to sleep in thehogán or wrap themselves in their blankets and sleep at the foot of atree...   Those from a long distance either find places to sleep in thehogán or wrap themselves in their blankets and sleep at the foot of atreeの読み方
Cosmos Mindeleff 「Navaho Houses, pages 469-518」

...One slice Iuse for Sunday morning Breakfast, the other one I wrap in a moist cloth,place between two plates...   One slice Iuse for Sunday morning Breakfast, the other one I wrap in a moist cloth,place between two platesの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...The light is wonderful, coming, as it does, fromthe great white cloth in which they would wrap our Lord...   The light is wonderful, coming, as it does, fromthe great white cloth in which they would wrap our Lordの読み方
Jennie Ellis Keysor 「Great Artists, Vol 1.」



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