

...The Parthenon frieze is in the British Museum, theApollo Belvedere is in the Vatican at Rome, but is readily accessiblein casts or photographs...   The Parthenon frieze is in the British Museum, theApollo Belvedere is in the Vatican at Rome, but is readily accessiblein casts or photographsの読み方
Jane Ellen Harrison 「Ancient Art and Ritual」

...Peter's tomb in relationto the circus of Nero and the cliffs of the Vatican was suchas to give the builders of the basilica perfect freedomto extend it in all directions, especially lengthwise...   Peters tomb in relationto the circus of Nero and the cliffs of the Vatican was suchas to give the builders of the basilica perfect freedomto extend it in all directions, especially lengthwiseの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...added it tothe wonders of the Vatican Museum, it was subjected to athorough process of restoration which employed twenty-fivestone-cutters for a period of nine years...   added it tothe wonders of the Vatican Museum, it was subjected to athorough process of restoration which employed twenty-fivestone-cutters for a period of nine yearsの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...of his volume on the Vatican, represents the outsideof one of the rotundas, the nearest to the obelisk of thecircus...   of his volume on the Vatican, represents the outsideof one of the rotundas, the nearest to the obelisk of thecircusの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...Among the curiosities of the three principal basilicas ofRome,—the Lateran, the Vatican, and the Ostiensis (S...   Among the curiosities of the three principal basilicas ofRome,—the Lateran, the Vatican, and the Ostiensis (Sの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...The Vatican began to be the official mausoleum of thePopes with Leo I...   The Vatican began to be the official mausoleum of thePopes with Leo Iの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...It isnow preserved in the Vatican Gallery; the copy in mosaicis the joint work of Alessandro Cocchi and Francesco Castellini...   It isnow preserved in the Vatican Gallery; the copy in mosaicis the joint work of Alessandro Cocchi and Francesco Castelliniの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

..., and many splendidexamples of this period are now in the museums of the Vatican and atNaples...   , and many splendidexamples of this period are now in the museums of the Vatican and atNaplesの読み方
Richard Glazier 「A Manual of Historic Ornament」

...Examples of Etruscan painting are tobe seen in the Vatican, Cortona, the Louvre, the BritishMuseum and elsewhere...   Examples of Etruscan painting are tobe seen in the Vatican, Cortona, the Louvre, the BritishMuseum and elsewhereの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

..., Sistine Madonna Dresden, chieffrescos Vatican Rome...   , Sistine Madonna Dresden, chieffrescos Vatican Romeの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...Jerome Vatican, S...   Jerome Vatican, Sの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...Berruguete (1480?-1561) studied with Michael Angelo, and issupposed to have helped him in the Vatican...   Berruguete (1480?-1561) studied with Michael Angelo, and issupposed to have helped him in the Vaticanの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...He meant to learnall that a man could learn in a given timeof the art treasures there, and while he wasworking in a draughty corridor of the Vatican,he caught a severe cold which rendered himdeaf...   He meant to learnall that a man could learn in a given timeof the art treasures there, and while he wasworking in a draughty corridor of the Vatican,he caught a severe cold which rendered himdeafの読み方
Dolores Bacon 「Pictures Every Child Should Know」

...Bas-relief in the Vatican...   Bas-relief in the Vaticanの読み方
Anonymous 「The Dance (by An Antiquary)」

...The Vatican Vergil, No...   The Vatican Vergil, Noの読み方
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」



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