...The animalsprang aloft, filled with terror, his four feet in the air at once,vainly twisting his horned head to pull out with his mouth those demonsclutched upon his neck...
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」
...Facing him on the other side of the combatants stood Andre-Louis, the palest of the four, staring from fevered eyes, twisting and untwisting clammy hands...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
...Then he took to his heels, and led me a twisting coursethrough smelly courts into a tanyard and then by a narrow lane to theback-quarters of a factory...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
... "Ye hain't—ye hain't!" cried the sea-farmer, twisting his hands together...
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」
...I once found a coil of serpents' skins, made by a number of them twisting together in the manner described by the Druids of old...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...As they were riding along, several leopards ran swiftly from them, twisting their long tails in the air...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...About half-way down, however, we turned sharply aside and plunged down a narrow lane, which, after some twisting and turning, at length brought us out clear of the town into a plantain grove...
Harry Collingwood 「A Middy of the Slave Squadron」
...The face that turned toward her wasdistorted with fury, but the twisting lipsspoke only two words in a hoarsely gutturalcry: “My boy!” But in them wasanguish and revenge...
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」
...When caught by one foot, they will soon sever their leg by jerking and twisting...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...I have never lost any coyotes by twisting feet off...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...The reins lay loose on the neck of hermustang, which entered into the fierce chase like abloodhound, doubling and twisting on its coursewith an agility that was wonderful...
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」
...The relation of the womb of the cow tothe upper and right side of the paunch favors the twisting...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
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