

...He sent me away to fight with the men of thevillage of Dak-at, who had refused to pay his tribute to the king,thinking that I would be killed, for Dak-at is famous for his many finewarriors...   He sent me away to fight with the men of thevillage of Dak-at, who had refused to pay his tribute to the king,thinking that I would be killed, for Dak-at is famous for his many finewarriorsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...“Citizen Danton brought me the violets himself, and citizen Santerre the narcissi, and that laurel wreath—is it not charming?—that was a tribute from citizen Robespierre himself...   “Citizen Danton brought me the violets      himself, and citizen Santerre the narcissi, and that laurel wreath—is      it not charming?—that was a tribute from citizen Robespierre      himselfの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

... This they denied, saying they wanted the customary tribute only...         This they denied, saying they wanted the customary tribute onlyの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

..."People talk of tribute after they have conquered, and not before it; we come to talk of peace, not of subjection," was the ready answer...   People      talk of tribute after they have conquered, and not before it; we come to      talk of peace, not of subjection, was the ready answerの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...The ambition of each seems to be to have his own little village; and we see many coming from distant parts with the flesh of buffaloes and antelopes as the tribute claimed by Bango...   The ambition of each seems      to be to have his own little village; and we see many coming from distant      parts with the flesh of buffaloes and antelopes as the tribute claimed by      Bangoの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...They were at this time hunting antelopes, in order to send the skins as a tribute to Matiamvo...   They were at this time hunting antelopes, in order to      send the skins as a tribute to Matiamvoの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...One chief, who came riding into the camp upon the shoulders of an attendant, was especially annoying in his demands for tribute...   One      chief, who came riding into the camp upon the shoulders of an attendant,      was especially annoying in his demands for tributeの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

... After a three hours' march, we halted for a short time at Little Mukondoku, to settle tribute with the brother of him who rules at Mukondoku Proper...         After a three hours march, we halted for a short time at Little      Mukondoku, to settle tribute with the brother of him who rules at      Mukondoku Properの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」

... "Did you have to pay much tribute to the Wagogo?" ...         Did you have to pay much tribute to the Wagogo?    の読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」

..., and south of Kulabi; and was active in promoting my interests by settling the tribute, with the assistance of Bombay, for me...   , and south of Kulabi; and was active in promoting my interests      by settling the tribute, with the assistance of Bombay, for meの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」



money   vesicles   chrysanthemum  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
大迷惑   棋聖戦   疲労感  

