

...He waited for a taker of his challenge...   He waited for a taker of his challengeの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...The bribe taker naturally inferred that Werper had slain his fellow anddared not admit that he had permitted him to enter the hut, fearing ashe did, the anger of Achmet Zek...   The bribe taker naturally inferred that Werper had slain his fellow anddared not admit that he had permitted him to enter the hut, fearing ashe did, the anger of Achmet Zekの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

...'Twice over!' rejoins the other—'Done!'replies the taker...   Twice over! rejoins the other—Done!replies the takerの読み方
R. S. Surtees 「Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour」

...The inspired landscape genius and the kalsominer who shellacs theartist's studio are both painters; so, the gentle Angler with perfecttackle and the mere hand-line fish taker are both fishermen...   The inspired landscape genius and the kalsominer who shellacs theartists studio are both painters; so, the gentle Angler with perfecttackle and the mere hand-line fish taker are both fishermenの読み方
Charles Bradford 「The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout」



cupid   cornerstones   stewart  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
絶望感   脱炭素   大統領令  

