...On his head he wore a garlandof mournful cypress, and a large truncheon in his hand, headedwith an iron spike...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
... Look at her—jest look at her! Sakes! You should see one o' them toothpicks h'istin' up her anchor on her spike outer fifteen-fathom water...
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」
... I got my knees on theouter face of the spike, so that all my body was removed as far aspossible from the impact of the water...
John Buchan 「Prester John」
... I felt more poisedand pinnacled in the void than when I had stood on the spike of rock,for I had a substantial hold neither for foot nor hand...
John Buchan 「Prester John」
...This was an Oriental looking battle-axe with a handle three feet long, a spike on top, a spike out behind, and a half-moon blade in front...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...There theywere made fast, and three Kroo boys knocked the spike out of eachlog, warped a chain around it, and made fast that chain to the steelhawser of the winch...
Richard Harding Davis 「The Congo and Coasts of Africa」
...The Spike Bull...
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」
...By a strange fatality, our spike bull appears to be the only one in anymuseum, or even in preserved existence, as far as can be ascertained...
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」
...This done, drive a staple in tree over wire running from spike to limb, which will prevent the animal being pulled over the limb and escaping...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Deadfalls and Snares」
...Drive in spike on "toho-ing" Hare...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...Fasten the line to the part of the spike close to theground, or he may pull it out...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...Probably, too, had the birds lainwell, the moment he pointed I should have employed the checkcord witha spike, giving him a liberal allowance of slack line—...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...Genital spike: the sheath of penis which, in maleDiaspinae takes the form of a long mucronate spike...
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」
...That leg is paralysed at once; the other is not; and the insect employs it to the detriment of my unsuspecting fingers, which are pricked to bleeding-point by the spike at the tip...
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」
...508) is described a throwing-stick ofIgloolik, 18 inches long, grooved for the shaft of the bird-spear, andhaving a spike for the hole of the shaft, and a groove for the thumb andfor the fingers...
Otis T. Mason 「Throwing-sticks in the National Museum」
..."Pull the damn bed down and spike it to thefloor!" This we did...
Victor Endersby 「Disowned」
...Toeach I gave about 4 Yards of linnen and a Spike Nail; the linnen theywere very fond of, but the Nails they seem'd to set no Value upon...
James Cook 「Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World」
...Stephens' Island was traversed all over; and a spike nail, with the king's broad arrow upon it, was brought on board, and excited many conjectures as to whence it came...
Matthew Flinders 「A Voyage to Terra Australis」
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