

... It was impossible that they shouldfail to see the white skins of the fugitives...    It was impossible that they shouldfail to see the white skins of the fugitivesの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...The softest skins fell gracefully from the graceful shoulders of hisMeriem...   The softest skins fell gracefully from the graceful shoulders of hisMeriemの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

... Slaughter the host would not permit; yet the purpose of thehunts were for heads and skins and not for food...    Slaughter the host would not permit; yet the purpose of thehunts were for heads and skins and not for foodの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...The man's tunic appeared to have beenfabricated upon a loom—it was certainly not made of skins, whilethe garments that covered his legs were quite as evidently madefrom the hides of rodents...   The mans tunic appeared to have beenfabricated upon a loom—it was certainly not made of skins, whilethe garments that covered his legs were quite as evidently madefrom the hides of rodentsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...Barbaric splendor and splendor that was not by any means barbaric lay all about--tiger skins, ivory-legged chairs, graven bronze vases, and a yak-hair shawl worth a rajah's ransom...   Barbaric splendor and splendor that was not by any      means barbaric lay all about--tiger skins, ivory-legged chairs,      graven bronze vases, and a yak-hair shawl worth a rajahs ransomの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

... “It is a beautiful secret,” said Em; and the boy shuffled out to pick up his skins...         “It is a beautiful secret,” said Em; and the boy shuffled out to pick up      his skinsの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...When a party of poor men came to his town to sell their hoes or skins, no matter how ungainly they might be, he soon knew them all...   When a party of poor men came to his town to sell their hoes or      skins, no matter how ungainly they might be, he soon knew them allの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

... As we passed up the river, the different villages of Banyeti turned out to present Sekeletu with food and skins, as their tribute...         As we passed up the river, the different villages of Banyeti turned out to      present Sekeletu with food and skins, as their tributeの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...They have clear ebon skins, not coal-black, but of an inky hue...   They have clear ebon skins, not      coal-black, but of an inky hueの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」



pliancy   chirk   excavations  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
備蓄米   超新星爆発   白雪姫  

