...He rose, descended to his shady walk, then came out a little into the sun, as though to partake of its warmth for a minute in memory of his absent child...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...From the little open space where the halt had taken place, three beautiful long walks, shady and undulating, stretched out before them...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」
... There were many natives lolling in shady spots beside theconical huts or beneath the branches of the several trees which hadbeen left standing within the enclosure...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」
...; at midday, in the coolest shade, namely, in my little tent, under a shady tree, at 96 Deg...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...I sought out the most shady spot under a wide-spreading mimosa, from which the ground sloped smooth as a lawn, to the still, clear water...
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」
...At the expiration of about that time we halted, and pitched the tents among some shady mimosas, while I sent Mahomet to Abou Sinn with the letter, and my firman...
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」
...The rains had almost ceased, so we should be able to live in a tent by night, and to form a shady nook beneath some mimosas by day...
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」
...Wewere in a cool and shady place...
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The Conjure Woman」
... On the shady side stoodhalf a dozen two-wheeled carts, loaded with lightwood and drawn bydiminutive steers, or superannuated army mules branded on the flankwith the cabalistic letters "C...
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」
...They traveled slowly, with frequent pauses in shady places, for theweather was hot...
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」
... The rustling citron, lime, and orange, shady mango with its fruits of gold, and the palmetto's umbrageous beauty, all welcomed the child of sorrow...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
...The rustling citron, lime, and orange, shady mango with its fruits ofgold, and the palmetto's umbrageous beauty, all welcomed the child ofsorrow...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...They haunt apple orchards chiefly atnesting time, fortunately for the crop, and at no season secretethemselves in shady woods as pewees do...
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」
...Even insummer an open shed or shady grove is incomparably better than a close, stuffystall...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...What mattered it to Dick? He was far away in the shady groves of the Mustang Valley, chasing the deer at times, but more frequently cooling his limbs and sporting with Crusoe in the bright blue lake...
R.M. Ballantyne 「The Dog Crusoe and his Master」
pliancy chirk excavations