...Maybe the femaleshouts out to her suitors, "Who touchesme first wins," and away she scurries like anarrow...
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」
...And lo, the Guinea-fowlfrees her head, stands up, regains her balance and scurries off! Herstate of lethargy has lasted more than half an hour...
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」
...Each pretty little ball of down scurries off and disappears in the brushwood; but, when quiet is restored, at the first summoning note they all return under the mother's wing...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
...His voice, for all its monotony, isinspiring of gladness and contentment,whether he utters his thin, sharp chip orfull-mouthed cluck, or laughs a chitteringmockery as he scurries in at his narrowdoor...
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」
...Presently a red squirrel rushes out of the thicketat the left, scurries along the rails and up and down theposts...
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」