...The rapids are not visible when the river is full, but the cataracts of Nambwe, Bombwe, and Kale must always be dangerous...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
... The rapids are caused by rocks of dark brown trap, or of hardened sandstone, stretching across the stream...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...When he reached Kalai, Sekote took advantage of the larger canoes they employ in the rapids, and fled during the night to the opposite bank...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...Wishto goodness I knew French, for wishing to see these rapids, I cannothelp feeling anxious and worried at not fully understanding this dramaticentertainment regarding them...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...First, the officialsays he does not like to take the responsibility of allowing me to endangermyself in those rapids...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...” “True, oh King!” I answer,“but Madame Quinee went right up to Lestourville, whereas I onlywant to go sufficiently high up the rapids to get typical fish...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...The chief of the district received them courteously, and accompanied Speke to the Isamba Rapids...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...As this same dyke probably cuts across country to Lomamé, myplan of going to the confluence and then up won't do, for I should haveto go up rapids there...
David Livingstone 「The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume II (of 2), 1869-1873」
...Lawrence Rapids...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」
..." Thus the Yellala belongs to the class of obstructed rapids like those of the Nile, compared with the unobstructed, of which a fine specimen is the St...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」
...Higher up, where rocks and rapids interfered with the boat-voyage, the current was considerable, but the breadth diminished to 600 feet...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1」
... Then she said, and her voice was like the smooth surface of the river where the boiling rapids run deep:...
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905」
... Grand Rapids...
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」
...While swimming, theywould follow each other in files at minimum intervals; but in steppingacross rapids they might extend these intervals somewhat...
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」
...The rapids were full of rough jagged rocks, against which their bodies might be crushed or lacerated; and the chances were that some of them might never succeed in reaching the shore in safety...
Mayne Reid 「The Giraffe Hunters」
pliancy chirk excavations