...It was near nightfall, and the weather, which had beencold and rainy on the preceding day, had become mild andcalm...
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」
...They had reached thispoint just before the rainy season when the waters of the morass wereat their lowest ebb...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」
...The greatest patience and perseverance are required, if one wishes to ascertain his position when it is the rainy season...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
... The characteristics of the rainy season in this wonderfully humid region may account in some measure for the periodical floods of the Zambesi, and perhaps the Nile...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...But, however this may be, the phenomena of the rainy season show that it is not necessary to assume the existence of high snowy mountains until we get reliable information...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
... In the rainy season the valley is flooded, and as the waters dry up great multitudes of fish are caught...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...This I knew was a thing to dread; for I had my memory stored with all kinds of rainy unpleasantnesses...
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」
...Should it happen to be an unusually rainy season, it inundates the great plain which stretches on either side, and converts it into a great lake...
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」
...The night was cold and rainy and almost dark...
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...Though wide, it is excessively shallow, and brackish during the rainy season...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...The rainy season was already half over, and the river had fallen considerably...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...The rainy season, however, at length began, during which it was impossible to travel...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...Declining the sheikh’s invitation to spend two or three months at his camp, Mr and Mrs Baker travelled on to the village of Sofi, where they proposed remaining during the rainy season...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
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