

... So it was the week after Mary Taylor's ride that found him at Cresswell's front door, thin, eagle-eyed, fairly well dressed and radiating confidence...         So it was the week after Mary Taylors ride that found him at      Cresswells front door, thin, eagle-eyed, fairly well dressed and      radiating confidenceの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」

... Between me and the wall was an open space of grass, with other grey avenues radiating from it...        Between me and the wall was an open space of grass, with other grey      avenues radiating from itの読み方
Edith Wharton 「Kerfol」

...Their outer surfaceis made up of club-shaped bodies all radiating from the center of the mass (see, fig...   Their outer surfaceis made up of club-shaped bodies all radiating from the center of the mass (see, figの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...I see a bundle of moderatelystrong nervures radiating fan-wise...   I see a bundle of moderatelystrong nervures radiating fan-wiseの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...In the first, which was the most numerous, the mushroom was furnished underneath with little radiating leaves...   In the first, which was the most numerous,      the mushroom was furnished underneath with little radiating leavesの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...Her web is a widely flaring funnel, whose open end, at most a span across, lies spread upon the surface of the wall, where it is held in place by radiating threads...   Her web is a widely flaring funnel, whose      open end, at most a span across, lies spread upon the surface of the wall,      where it is held in place by radiating threadsの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...These poles were very numerous, touching one another andextending all around in a radiating manner, supporting the roof likerafters...   These poles were very numerous, touching one another andextending all around in a radiating manner, supporting the roof likeraftersの読み方
James Owen Dorsey, 「Omaha Dwellings, Furniture and Implements」

...Further excavations in the galleries radiating fromthe crypt may disclose fresh particulars, and supply moreconclusive evidence...   Further excavations in the galleries radiating fromthe crypt may disclose fresh particulars, and supply moreconclusive evidenceの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...It is a circle with radiating feathers on the peripheryand ordinarily with four lines arranged in quaternary groups...   It is a circle with radiating feathers on the peripheryand ordinarily with four lines arranged in quaternary groupsの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...At each of the acute angles of the two triangles thereare circular designs with radiating lines, a common motive on theexterior of food bowls...   At each of the acute angles of the two triangles thereare circular designs with radiating lines, a common motive on theexterior of food bowlsの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...We must also manage to discharge the load of the walls by means ofarchings composed of voussoirs with joints radiating to the centre...   We must also manage to discharge the load of the walls by means ofarchings composed of voussoirs with joints radiating to the centreの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...The Assyrian and Byzantine guilloche is but a curved fret, butadditional interest is given by the introduction of radiating forms inthe principal interstices of the fret (fig...   The Assyrian and Byzantine guilloche is but a curved fret, butadditional interest is given by the introduction of radiating forms inthe principal interstices of the fret (figの読み方
Richard Glazier 「A Manual of Historic Ornament」

...George's used to be “heated by what is commonly called a cockle”—somesort of a warmth radiating apparatus, which he describes minutely andwith apparent pleasure...   Georges used to be “heated by what is commonly called a cockle”—somesort of a warmth radiating apparatus, which he describes minutely andwith apparent pleasureの読み方
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」

...We have finished: all is over; the lime lights are burning, the colouredfires are radiating their hues, the curtain is falling, and bidding“Adieu” to all our kind readers, we vanish...   We have finished: all is over; the lime lights are burning, the colouredfires are radiating their hues, the curtain is falling, and bidding“Adieu” to all our kind readers, we vanishの読み方
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」

...There is also another point about radiating lines, and that istheir power of setting up a relationship between lines otherwiseunrelated...   There is also another point about radiating lines, and that istheir power of setting up a relationship between lines otherwiseunrelatedの読み方
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」

...The line 1-2 has been selected as thedominating line, and an assortment of radiating ones drawn aboutit...   The line 1-2 has been selected as thedominating line, and an assortment of radiating ones drawn aboutitの読み方
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」

...Large cities, with their radiating lines of communication, would at once betray their real character...   Large cities, with their radiating    lines of communication, would at once betray their real    characterの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Curiosities of the Sky」

...But under ordinary conditions, we do not see thechromosphere itself, but look down through it on the photosphere, orgeneral radiating surface...   But under ordinary conditions, we do not see thechromosphere itself, but look down through it on the photosphere, orgeneral radiating surfaceの読み方
E. Walter Maunder 「Are the Planets Inhabited?」

..., the Earthwould be radiating its heat nearly 30 times faster than Mars...   , the Earthwould be radiating its heat nearly 30 times faster than Marsの読み方
E. Walter Maunder 「Are the Planets Inhabited?」

...It appears, on the other hand, to be composed offilmy matter, radiating outwards in every direction, and fading awaygradually into space...   It appears, on the other hand, to be composed offilmy matter, radiating outwards in every direction, and fading awaygradually into spaceの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」



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