

...Thus invited to the debate, the quondam slave made a spirited defense of himself, and thereafter the whole argument, for and against slavery, was brought out...   Thus invited to the debate, the quondam      slave made a spirited defense of himself, and thereafter the whole      argument, for and against slavery, was brought outの読み方
Frederick Douglass 「My Bondage and My Freedom」

... The quondam admirer of the good Queen Louisebecame a glowing enthusiast of liberty, resolving, like thousands ofothers, to devote her life to the emancipation of the people...    The quondam admirer of the good Queen Louisebecame a glowing enthusiast of liberty, resolving, like thousands ofothers, to devote her life to the emancipation of the peopleの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Anarchism and Other Essays」

...The quondam housebreaker becomes a builder...   The quondam housebreaker becomes a builderの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」

...He is not to be looked for among discharged soldiers, shipwrecked seamen, or quondam convicts...   He is not to be looked for among discharged soldiers, shipwrecked seamen, or quondam convictsの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」



spirals   omelet   brownies  


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