

...Sir Hercules Robinson was still at Pretoria, conferring with the President, who, it was opined, was playing with him, as nothing either regarding the fate of Dr...   Sir Hercules  Robinson was still at Pretoria, conferring with the President,  who, it was opined, was playing with him, as nothing either  regarding the fate of Drの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Our host, however, was unfortunately absent, "detained" in the precincts of the gaol at Pretoria, although allowed out on bail...   Our host, however, was unfortunately absent, detained in  the precincts of the gaol at Pretoria, although allowed out on  bailの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...During the night the necessary supply was brought by rail from Pretoria, actually right through Johannesburg...   During the night the  necessary supply was brought by rail from Pretoria, actually  right through Johannesburgの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Intelligence was also to hand of the Boers bringing up one of the Pretoria siege guns, capable of firing a 94-pound shell...   Intelligence was also to hand of the Boers bringing  up one of the Pretoria siege guns, capable of firing a 94-pound  shellの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...He looked rather confused, and said somewhat timidly that no doubt the General would allow me to go to Pretoria, where I should find "pleasant ladies' society...   He looked rather  confused, and said somewhat timidly that no doubt the General  would allow me to go to Pretoria, where I should find pleasant  ladies societyの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...I was certainly very much in the way of the hospital arrangements, and I fully made up my mind to refuse absolutely to go to Pretoria, unless they took me by force...   I was  certainly very much in the way of the hospital arrangements, and  I fully made up my mind to refuse absolutely to go to Pretoria,  unless they took me by forceの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...I continued to send down letters without end to headquarters; but it was always the same answer: they were waiting for the reply from Pretoria...   I continued to send down letters without end to  headquarters; but it was always the same answer: they were  waiting for the reply from Pretoriaの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

... Someone said to me in Zeerust: "When the English have reached Pretoria their difficulties will only begin...    Someone said to me in Zeerust: When the English have reached  Pretoria their difficulties will only beginの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Two days later we heard that Lord Roberts had made his formal entry into Pretoria on June 5, but our journey thither did not proceed as smoothly as we had hoped...   Two days later we heard that Lord Roberts had made his formal  entry into Pretoria on June 5, but our journey thither did not  proceed as smoothly as we had hopedの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Accustomed as we were to a very limited circle, it appeared to us as if all the inhabitants of England had been transported to Pretoria...   Accustomed as we were to a very limited circle, it  appeared to us as if all the inhabitants of England had been  transported to Pretoriaの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...On reflection, I decided, rather from what Lord Roberts had left unsaid than from his actual words, that if we had asked leave to travel home via Pretoria, it would have been refused...   On reflection, I decided, rather from what Lord Roberts  had left unsaid than from his actual words, that if we had asked  leave to travel home via Pretoria, it would have been  refusedの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...To outward appearances, civil as well as military business was being transacted in Pretoria with perfect smoothness, in spite of the proximity of the enemy...   To outward appearances, civil as well as military business was  being transacted in Pretoria with perfect smoothness, in spite of  the proximity of the enemyの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Born in the neighbourhood of Pretoria, theProfessor had been through most phases of the showman's business in SouthAfrica and, during the past half-dozen years, in Australia...   Born in the neighbourhood of Pretoria, theProfessor had been through most phases of the showmans business in SouthAfrica and, during the past half-dozen years, in Australiaの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」



bigamy   interjections   Triplett  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
危険運転   事実誤認   光格子時計  

