

...Her face betokened satisfaction, and she looked at Gregorio with a possessive smile...   Her face betokened      satisfaction, and she looked at Gregorio with a possessive smileの読み方
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」

... They never used the “s” in indication of the possessive case...        They never used the “s” in indication of the possessive caseの読み方
Frederick Douglass 「My Bondage and My Freedom」

...Miss Clementina wondered a little that the article “the” should have replaced the possessive pronoun “my...   Miss Clementina wondered a little	that the article “the” should have replaced	the possessive pronoun “myの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905」

...In such cases the Japanese thought is best expressed by using the possessive pronoun and omitting the derogative adjective altogether...   In such cases the    Japanese thought is best expressed by using the    possessive pronoun and omitting the derogative adjective    altogetherの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...The genitive is expressed by means of the possessive adjective...   The genitive is expressed by means of the possessive adjectiveの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...These suggest that the true possessive is simply ul(e) or ula(ne)...   These suggest that the true possessive is simply ul(e) or ula(ne)の読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...The possessive precedes the noun, e...   The possessive precedes the noun, eの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...The possessive case also is formed as insome other Papuan languages by a suffix added to the root of the pronoun...   The possessive case also is formed as insome other Papuan languages by a suffix added to the root of the pronounの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...Sometimes the simple form of the pronoun is prefixed to the noun in Tauata to indicate the possessive, as in Namau and Koita...   Sometimes the simple form of the pronoun is prefixed to the noun in Tauata to indicate the possessive, as in Namau and Koitaの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...The only rule of grammar that we learnt was thesimple method of constructing the possessive case byadding the suffix ta...   The only rule of grammar that we learnt was thesimple method of constructing the possessive case byadding the suffix taの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」

...In Mimika the possessive is shown bythe suffix -ta, which is used also with other words...   In Mimika the possessive is shown bythe suffix -ta, which is used also with other wordsの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」

...The possessive with pronouns and pronominalwords is indicated by a suffix -ta...   The possessive with pronouns and pronominalwords is indicated by a suffix -taの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」

...Includes plural forms and possessive cases of nouns and pronounsand the partial conjugation of the verb "to eat"...   Includes plural forms and possessive cases of nouns and pronounsand the partial conjugation of the verb to eatの読み方
James Constantine Pilling 「Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))」

..." In course of time the ignorantpeople changed the word Pudentiana, a possessive adjective,into the name of a saint; and the name Sancta Pudentianausurped the place of the genuine one...    In course of time the ignorantpeople changed the word Pudentiana, a possessive adjective,into the name of a saint; and the name Sancta Pudentianausurped the place of the genuine oneの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」



sigmoid   distaff   prosy  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
独裁者   大統領   前段階  

