

...In the open air, the soldiers were currying and shoeing the glossy, plump horses which the trench-war was maintaining in placid obesity...   In the open air, the soldiers were currying and      shoeing the glossy, plump horses which the trench-war was maintaining in      placid obesityの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

... Plump into their middle came a third shot, smashing a second boat with fearful execution...         Plump into their middle came a third shot, smashing a second boat with      fearful executionの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

...His very sophisticated, carefully educated tastes in such matters inclined him towards the plump, the languishing, and the quite helplessly feminine...   His very sophisticated, carefully educated tastes      in such matters inclined him towards the plump, the languishing, and the      quite helplessly feminineの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

... Behind the black-striped stallioncame a herd of thirty or forty of the plump and vicious littlehorselike beasts...    Behind the black-striped stallioncame a herd of thirty or forty of the plump and vicious littlehorselike beastsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

...A plump young mare and a fat stallion grazed nearest to him as heneared the herd...   A plump young mare and a fat stallion grazed nearest to him as heneared the herdの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

...Drawn by two negroes, and pushed by three, it rolled briskly to the door of the church, and there deposited a plump and youthful dame, as black as ebony...   Drawn by two negroes, and pushed by      three, it rolled briskly to the door of the church, and there deposited a      plump and youthful dame, as black as ebonyの読み方
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」

...BobWhite! Ah, Bob White! rings from some plump little feathered gallanton the outskirts of almost any farm during the long nesting season...   BobWhite! Ah, Bob White! rings from some plump little feathered gallanton the outskirts of almost any farm during the long nesting seasonの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...A third plump, short,and palatable, affording a mixture of white and red gravy...   A third plump, short,and palatable, affording a mixture of white and red gravyの読み方
Ambrose Blacklock 「A Treatise on Sheep:」

...A fourthlikewise plump, and well-flavoured, but discharging red gravy only, andthis in various quantities...   A fourthlikewise plump, and well-flavoured, but discharging red gravy only, andthis in various quantitiesの読み方
Ambrose Blacklock 「A Treatise on Sheep:」

...Then he tried torub one eye with one of his mushroom-like fore-feet, and, failing abjectly inthat, fell plump on his nose...   Then he tried torub one eye with one of his mushroom-like fore-feet, and, failing abjectly inthat, fell plump on his noseの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...His hair had dried inmuddy patches; he was dirt-stained from end to end; and where yesterdayhe had been plump and shiny, he was now as thin and wretched asmisfortune could possibly make him...   His hair had dried inmuddy patches; he was dirt-stained from end to end; and where yesterdayhe had been plump and shiny, he was now as thin and wretched asmisfortune could possibly make himの読み方
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」

...The smallestleguminous seed, if barely bigger than a pin's head, nourishes itsweevil; a dwarf which patiently nibbles it and excavates a dwelling; butthe plump, delicious haricot is spared...   The smallestleguminous seed, if barely bigger than a pins head, nourishes itsweevil; a dwarf which patiently nibbles it and excavates a dwelling; butthe plump, delicious haricot is sparedの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...Here they spintheir cocoons and change to a small,brown, plump pupa and after a fewdays the winged moth emerges...   Here they spintheir cocoons and change to a small,brown, plump pupa and after a fewdays the winged moth emergesの読み方
Leonard Haseman 「An Elementary Study of Insects」

...Thelarva is white, with a tolerably plump body, which tapers slightlytowards the tail, while the head is much of the color of gum-copal...   Thelarva is white, with a tolerably plump body, which tapers slightlytowards the tail, while the head is much of the color of gum-copalの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」



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