

... That is the pact...        That is the pactの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

..."Very well," she said, "we will make this pact to assist each other toreturn to civilization, but let it be understood that there is andnever can be any semblance even of respect for you upon my part...   Very well, she said, we will make this pact to assist each other toreturn to civilization, but let it be understood that there is andnever can be any semblance even of respect for you upon my partの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...And a pact was sealed between Ja-donand Om-at that would ever make his tribe and the Ho-don allies andfriends...   And a pact was sealed between Ja-donand Om-at that would ever make his tribe and the Ho-don allies andfriendsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pact...   Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pactの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Anarchism and Other Essays」

...Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement,an insurance pact...   Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement,an insurance pactの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Marriage and Love」

...At the same time that it unchains princes and breaks for them the ties of the social pact, it enchains the minds and the hands of their oppressed subjects...   At      the same time that it unchains princes and breaks for them the ties of the      social pact, it enchains the minds and the hands of their oppressed      subjectsの読み方
Jean Meslier Anna Knoop 「Superstition In All Ages (1732)」



acknowledgement   prattle   feathers  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
自由世界   建設的   大迷惑  

