

...” “I can sympathisewith patriotism, and even with jingoism, in certain moods, but I always comeback to this difficulty...   ” “I can sympathisewith patriotism, and even with jingoism, in certain moods, but I always comeback to this difficultyの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

... There wassomething about Bwana even in his gentlest moods that commanded instantobedience...    There wassomething about Bwana even in his gentlest moods that commanded instantobedienceの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Son of Tarzan」

...At one time on the banks there were considerably over a thousand natives going through the several tenses and moods of the verb "to stare," or exhibiting every phase of the substantive, viz...   At one time on the banks there were considerably over a thousand      natives going through the several tenses and moods of the verb to stare,      or exhibiting every phase of the substantive, vizの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」

...In its most ferocious moods it seizes a boat, straightway swamps it,and feeds its pet sharks with the boat’s occupants...   In its most ferocious moods it seizes a boat, straightway swamps it,and feeds its pet sharks with the boat’s occupantsの読み方
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」

...I knew that her affections were strong and enduring, but thather temperament was capricious, and her sunniest moods easily overcastby some small cloud of jealousy or pique...   I knew that her affections were strong and enduring, but thather temperament was capricious, and her sunniest moods easily overcastby some small cloud of jealousy or piqueの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The Conjure Woman」

...Very gentle and serious Dickie became in these days, moods new to him...   Very gentle and serious Dickie became	in these days, moods new to himの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905」

...In her affable moods, however, no one could be more complaisant andentertaining than Bessie...   In her affable moods, however, no one could be more complaisant andentertaining than Bessieの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...Wherenature has her own way with herself, shemakes her garb seemly even now, afterall the tousling and rents she gave it inher angry winter moods...   Wherenature has her own way with herself, shemakes her garb seemly even now, afterall the tousling and rents she gave it inher angry winter moodsの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

...Gesner considered her tail as the indicator of her moods...   Gesner considered her tail as the indicator of her moodsの読み方
Royal Dixon 「The Human Side of Animals」

...They havepeculiar, unexplainable moods that continuing favoring conditions ofwater, wind, and weather cannot control" (Eugene McCarthy, FamiliarFish)...   They havepeculiar, unexplainable moods that continuing favoring conditions ofwater, wind, and weather cannot control (Eugene McCarthy, FamiliarFish)の読み方
Charles Bradford 「The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout」

...To come to Grasse on foot or in the stage, will well repay the travellerof old-fashioned moods and fancies...   To come to Grasse on foot or in the stage, will well repay the travellerof old-fashioned moods and fanciesの読み方
Elise Whitlock Rose 「Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1」



schematic   laterals   Hornbeak  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
正当防衛   政令指定都市   多血症  

