

... and have often minded since...    and have often minded sinceの読み方
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」

...I don’t think that I wouldhave minded her risking her life, for that was part of the game we were bothin, but I jibbed at the notion of Ivery coming near her again...   I don’t think that I wouldhave minded her risking her life, for that was part of the game we were bothin, but I jibbed at the notion of Ivery coming near her againの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

... He had been minded to bait her...    He had been minded to bait herの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

...Though his chance for survival seemed slender, and hope at its lowestebb, he was not minded therefore to give up without a struggle...   Though his chance for survival seemed slender, and hope at its lowestebb, he was not minded therefore to give up without a struggleの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...But I do not think my little one minded...   But I do      not think my little one mindedの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...“Yes, it is true,” admitted the king reluctantly; “Sekosini is very obstinate; and if he were so minded he would refuse to confess, even were he staked out on an ant’s nest...   “Yes, it is true,” admitted the king reluctantly; “Sekosini is very obstinate; and if he were so minded he would refuse to confess, even were he staked out on an ant’s nestの読み方
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」

...Mars Whiskey wuz rightdere an' Mars Marrabo wuz a mile erway, an' so Ben minded Mars Whiskeyan' fergot 'bout Mars Marrabo...   Mars Whiskey wuz rightdere an Mars Marrabo wuz a mile erway, an so Ben minded Mars Whiskeyan fergot bout Mars Marraboの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The Conjure Woman」

...And he was not minded to shorten the period of fear byripping off his own outer garments with any melodramatic haste...   And he was not minded to shorten the period of fear byripping off his own outer garments with any melodramatic hasteの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...Wherefore, he was minded to spare Lady from any future punishment bymaking this present lesson sink deep into her brain...   Wherefore, he was minded to spare Lady from any future punishment bymaking this present lesson sink deep into her brainの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...Was sheselfish? It was true that formerly she had not minded letting Adele wearher things...   Was sheselfish? It was true that formerly she had not minded letting Adele wearher thingsの読み方
Lucy Foster Madison 「Bee and Butterfly」

...His bearing wasnot defiant, but self-reliant, as of one who minded his own businessand demanded to be let alone...   His bearing wasnot defiant, but self-reliant, as of one who minded his own businessand demanded to be let aloneの読み方
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」

...Paul; inLollard's Tower, the Clink, and Bonner's Coal-house, a placewhich minded them of the manner of their death, first keptamongst coals before they were burnt to ashes...   Paul; inLollards Tower, the Clink, and Bonners Coal-house, a placewhich minded them of the manner of their death, first keptamongst coals before they were burnt to ashesの読み方
A. Hugh Fisher 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description」

...When he had set the lion free, he supposed that he would have to fight with him, and that the lion would come at him; but the lion was not minded so...   When he had set the lion free, he supposed that he would      have to fight with him, and that the lion would come at him; but the lion      was not minded soの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...I didn'tthink dad would have minded my telling you...   I didntthink dad would have minded my telling youの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930」



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