

...“The migrations of the springboks, which we witnessed yesterday, may be more frequent, but are not more certain than those of the central population of Africa...   “The migrations of the springboks, which we witnessed yesterday, may be more frequent, but are not more certain than those of the central population of Africaの読み方
Captain Frederick Marryat 「The Mission; or Scenes in Africa」

...As we near historic times the migrations of men became more frequentfrom Asia and from Europe, and in Africa came movementsand minglings which give to the whole of Africa a distinct mulattocharacter...   As we near historic times the migrations of men became more frequentfrom Asia and from Europe, and in Africa came movementsand minglings which give to the whole of Africa a distinct mulattocharacterの読み方
W.E.B. Du Bois 「The Negro」

...The butterflies I have seen in these wonderful migrations inCeylon were mostly Callidryas Hilariæ, C...   The butterflies I have seen in these wonderful migrations inCeylon were mostly Callidryas Hilariæ, Cの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...This species,which is also known as the Sprig-tail, is verycommon in the United States in thespring and fall migrations...   This species,which is also known as the Sprig-tail, is verycommon in the United States in thespring and fall migrationsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...--Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions and wintering south to theGulf coast; not common on the Atlantic coastduring migrations...   --Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions and wintering south to theGulf coast; not common on the Atlantic coastduring migrationsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...--Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions, and wintering south of theUnited States, most abundant in the eastern partsof the United States during migrations...   --Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions, and wintering south of theUnited States, most abundant in the eastern partsof the United States during migrationsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...This species is now regarded asrare on the North Atlantic coast during migrations, while in the interior it ismore abundant than the last species...   This species is now regarded asrare on the North Atlantic coast during migrations, while in the interior it ismore abundant than the last speciesの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...They are very local in their distributionboth during migrations and in their breedinggrounds...   They are very local in their distributionboth during migrations and in their breedinggroundsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...The migrations thus considered are only exceptionaloccurrences...   The migrations thus considered are only exceptionaloccurrencesの読み方
Clarence M. Weed 「Butterflies Worth Knowing」

...The rarerspecies may be less hardy, have more enemies, be exposed to moreperils in their long migrations, &c...   The rarerspecies may be less hardy, have more enemies, be exposed to moreperils in their long migrations, &cの読み方
P. L. Sclater 「Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2)」

...This is a fresh-water representative of the Sharp-tailwhich nests in the prairie sloughs of the interior and reachesthe Atlantic coast during its migrations and in the winter...   This is a fresh-water representative of the Sharp-tailwhich nests in the prairie sloughs of the interior and reachesthe Atlantic coast during its migrations and in the winterの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「What Bird is That?」

...During the migrations the Bank Swallow travels withother members of its family, sharing their roost in themarshes by night and their wayside perch by day...   During the migrations the Bank Swallow travels withother members of its family, sharing their roost in themarshes by night and their wayside perch by dayの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「What Bird is That?」

...—Pacific coast region from northern Lower California northto British Columbia, east to western Nevada and casually, during migrations,to New Mexico...   —Pacific coast region from northern Lower California northto British Columbia, east to western Nevada and casually, during migrations,to New Mexicoの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...They have no migrations likethe passenger pigeon once so plentiful in the easternstates, nor do they congregate in such immense flocks...   They have no migrations likethe passenger pigeon once so plentiful in the easternstates, nor do they congregate in such immense flocksの読み方
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」



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