

...Swifts in flocks were found on the Lake when we came to it, and thereare small migrations of swallows ever since...   Swifts in flocks were found on the Lake when we came to it, and thereare small migrations of swallows ever sinceの読み方
David Livingstone 「The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume II (of 2), 1869-1873」

...You may have observed, in the history of the world, that the migrations of the human race are generally from the north to the south: so it appears to have been in Africa...   You may have observed, in the history of the world, that the migrations of the human race are generally from the north to the south: so it appears to have been in Africaの読み方
Captain Frederick Marryat 「The Mission; or Scenes in Africa」

...--Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions and wintering south to theGulf coast; not common on the Atlantic coastduring migrations...   --Whole of North America, breeding inthe Arctic regions and wintering south to theGulf coast; not common on the Atlantic coastduring migrationsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...This species is apparently not as common or ismore locally distributed during migrations thanis the Marbled Godwit...   This species is apparently not as common or ismore locally distributed during migrations thanis the Marbled Godwitの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...This species is now regarded asrare on the North Atlantic coast during migrations, while in the interior it ismore abundant than the last species...   This species is now regarded asrare on the North Atlantic coast during migrations, while in the interior it ismore abundant than the last speciesの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...They nest most often in thickets or on the edge ofswamps, in just such places as they are met with on their migrations...   They nest most often in thickets or on the edge ofswamps, in just such places as they are met with on their migrationsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...They arefound during migrations on or nearthe ground on the edges of woodsor thickets and along roadsides;have a peculiar habit of "teetering" their tailwhich will readily identify them...   They arefound during migrations on or nearthe ground on the edges of woodsor thickets and along roadsides;have a peculiar habit of teetering their tailwhich will readily identify themの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...They are quite abundant in New England in fall migrations,being found in swampy thickets...   They are quite abundant in New England in fall migrations,being found in swampy thicketsの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...1; more numerousduring migrations, in Mch...   1; more numerousduring migrations, in Mchの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「What Bird is That?」

...During its spring and fall migrations only is it at allcommon about the elms and maples that men have planted...   During its spring and fall migrations only is it at allcommon about the elms and maples that men have plantedの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...Their migrations are comparatively short when undertaken atall...   Their migrations are comparatively short when undertaken atallの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...—Pacific coast region from northern Lower California northto British Columbia, east to western Nevada and casually, during migrations,to New Mexico...   —Pacific coast region from northern Lower California northto British Columbia, east to western Nevada and casually, during migrations,to New Mexicoの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...But during their migrations,and in winter, when several forms may be associated, it isusually not possible to identify them in the field...   But during their migrations,and in winter, when several forms may be associated, it isusually not possible to identify them in the fieldの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...With this separate familylife there is still in most species of birds concerted action bycommunities in migrations, in forming colonies, in attacks on othercreatures, and in defense from enemies...   With this separate familylife there is still in most species of birds concerted action bycommunities in migrations, in forming colonies, in attacks on othercreatures, and in defense from enemiesの読み方
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」

...They not only feed, but migratein great flocks, and these migrations often takeplace at night when their sharp cries will be heard highin the air...   They not only feed, but migratein great flocks, and these migrations often takeplace at night when their sharp cries will be heard highin the airの読み方
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」

...In its former state, the larva, subject tostrange migrations, obviously needs the sense of sight and isprovided with four ocelli...   In its former state, the larva, subject tostrange migrations, obviously needs the sense of sight and isprovided with four ocelliの読み方
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」

...The direction of the migrations, as reported in someinstances, is just the reverse of that taken at the present time by theBarren Ground species during its normal movements at correspondingseasons...   The direction of the migrations, as reported in someinstances, is just the reverse of that taken at the present time by theBarren Ground species during its normal movements at correspondingseasonsの読み方
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」



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