

...Always hoping that he might discover some sign of their passage—adiscarded lorry, a broken limber, or an old camp site—he continuedfarther and farther into the west until well into the afternoon...   Always hoping that he might discover some sign of their passage—adiscarded lorry, a broken limber, or an old camp site—he continuedfarther and farther into the west until well into the afternoonの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...Some pulled spasmodically on the very long limber oars; others squatted doing nothing; some, huddled shapelessly underneath white cloths that completely covered them, slept soundly in the bottom...   Some pulled spasmodically on the very long limber oars;  others squatted doing nothing; some, huddled shapelessly  underneath white cloths that completely covered them, slept  soundly in the bottomの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

... The body was perfectly limber when the Sheriff's posse cut it down and retained enough heat to warm the feet of Deputy Perkins, whose road cart was converted into a hearse...    The body was perfectly limber when the Sheriffs posse cut it down and  retained enough heat to warm the feet of Deputy Perkins, whose road cart  was converted into a hearseの読み方
Ida B. Wells-Barnett 「The Red Record」

...One method was to tie the slave to a tree, strip off his clothes, and then whip him with a rawhide, or long, limber switches, or the terrible bull whip...   One method was to tie the      slave to a tree, strip off his clothes, and then whip him with a rawhide,      or long, limber switches, or the terrible bull whipの読み方
Louis Hughes 「Thirty Years a Slave」

...The noose is probably too large or small or made of limber or too stiff string or wire, or maybe it is too securely fastened...   The noose is probably too large or small or made of limber or too stiff string or wire, or maybe it is too securely fastenedの読み方
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Deadfalls and Snares」

...Have a noose made of limber wire or strong string and a cross piece...   Have a noose made of limber wire or strong string and a cross pieceの読み方
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Deadfalls and Snares」

...At other times he will crawl over all your stagings and reach in, like a monkey, apparently as limber as Indian rubber, and get your bait...   At other times he will crawl over all your stagings and reach in, like a monkey, apparently as limber as Indian rubber, and get your baitの読み方
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Mink Trapping」

...By the time we arrivedin Oakland I was as limber and strong as ever,—though Charley andNeil Partington were afraid I was going to have pneumonia, and Mrs...   By the time we arrivedin Oakland I was as limber and strong as ever,—though Charley andNeil Partington were afraid I was going to have pneumonia, and Mrsの読み方
Jack London 「Tales of the Fish Patrol」

...A smallwisp of fine, flexible grass stems or osiers softened in water wasfirst spirally wrapped a little at one end with a flat, limber splintof tough wood, usually willow (see Fig...   A smallwisp of fine, flexible grass stems or osiers softened in water wasfirst spirally wrapped a little at one end with a flat, limber splintof tough wood, usually willow (see Figの読み方
Frank Hamilton Cushing 「A Study of Pueblo Pottery as Illustrative of Zuñi Culture Growth.」

...He got up and stretched his body, to limber its muscles...   He got up and stretched his body, to limber its musclesの読み方
Anthony Gilmore 「The Affair of the Brains」



harvest   precipitate   propitiate  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
新機軸   動物園   生産的  

