

...The empty capsules were mounting up in thick layers behind the cannon...   The empty capsules      were mounting up in thick layers behind the cannonの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Over the trenches in the open air, they had laid beams from the ruined houses; over the beams, planks, doors and windows, and on top of the wood, layers of sacks of earth...   Over the trenches in the open      air, they had laid beams from the ruined houses; over the beams, planks,      doors and windows, and on top of the wood, layers of sacks of earthの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

... Similarly she built walls and a roof, the latterthatched with many layers of great leaves...    Similarly she built walls and a roof, the latterthatched with many layers of great leavesの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...Most of the common or"puddle" ducks which are found on farms are ofrather small size, are indifferent as layers, and donot make a desirable type of market duck...   Most of the common orpuddle ducks which are found on farms are ofrather small size, are indifferent as layers, and donot make a desirable type of market duckの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...The Chinese geese are the best layers but the eggwhich they lay is smaller...   The Chinese geese are the best layers but the eggwhich they lay is smallerの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...The blue shale,on the contrary, frequently contains numerous concretions,and great abundance of thin layers ofgypsum and crystals of the same...   The blue shale,on the contrary, frequently contains numerous concretions,and great abundance of thin layers ofgypsum and crystals of the sameの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

...It shows its prolonged domestication by almost incessantly laying eggs, like the fowls which are called everlasting layers...   It shows  its prolonged domestication by almost incessantly laying eggs, like the  fowls which are called everlasting layersの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...Relative positions of the layers of the skin, mode inwhich the hairs rise from, and situation of, the sebaceous follicles;a...   Relative positions of the layers of the skin, mode inwhich the hairs rise from, and situation of, the sebaceous follicles;aの読み方
Ambrose Blacklock 「A Treatise on Sheep:」

...They are very hardy, healthy,excellent layers, and capital incubators...   They are very hardy, healthy,excellent layers, and capital incubatorsの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...The hensare excellent layers, and although the eggs are underthe average size, they are not to be surpassed in excellence of flavor...   The hensare excellent layers, and although the eggs are underthe average size, they are not to be surpassed in excellence of flavorの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...Theyare as good layers and sitters as any other game breed, and are goodnurses...   Theyare as good layers and sitters as any other game breed, and are goodnursesの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...The hens are great layers, seldom inclining tosit...   The hens are great layers, seldom inclining tositの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...Inmere excellence of flesh and as layers, they are inferior to the Dorkingor the Spanish...   Inmere excellence of flesh and as layers, they are inferior to the Dorkingor the Spanishの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...The Pheasant Malays are large, well-flavored, good sitters, good layers,good mothers, and, in many points, an ornamental and desirable stock...   The Pheasant Malays are large, well-flavored, good sitters, good layers,good mothers, and, in many points, an ornamental and desirable stockの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...The latter commence layingwhen five months old, and prove themselves very superior layers...   The latter commence layingwhen five months old, and prove themselves very superior layersの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...They are good layers, and produce fair-sized eggs...   They are good layers, and produce fair-sized eggsの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...This peculiarity appears to becaused by the thinness and semitransparency of the supposed layers...   This peculiarity appears to becaused by the thinness and semitransparency of the supposed layersの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...Like most other fungi this does not grow outinto filaments within the body of the cow, but in five or six hours aftermilking the surface layers are found to be one dense network of filaments...   Like most other fungi this does not grow outinto filaments within the body of the cow, but in five or six hours aftermilking the surface layers are found to be one dense network of filamentsの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...To allow for losses, for an excess of males, and for inferiorpullets which are not worth keeping for layers, it is necessary to hatchabout four times as many chickens as are to be reserved...   To allow for losses, for an excess of males, and for inferiorpullets which are not worth keeping for layers, it is necessary to hatchabout four times as many chickens as are to be reservedの読み方
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」



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