...lava, f., lava....
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...The rest of it made you fit for one for the rest of your natural life,for it was one mass of broken lava rock, and here and there leviathantree-stumps that had been partially blown up with gunpowder...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...It is downhill the first part of the way, that is to say, the trendof the land is downhill, for be it down or up, the details of it arerugged mounds and masses of burnt-out lava rock...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...Here and there on them rose many small cones and craters, lava flows and other varied evidences of recent volcanic activity...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...The smooth, undulating green-grass plains were now superseded by lava expanses grown with low bushes...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...The archipelago, with its innumerable craters and bare streams of lava, appeared to be of recent origin; and thus I fancied myself brought near to the very act of creation...
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」
...A volcano born inFebruary, 1943; it ceased to be active in December, 1951,and is located at the north-northeastern base of Cerro deTancítaro; volcanic ash and lava amidst open pine forest...
William E. Duellman 「The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México」
...Asmall village on the western edge of the lava flow of VolcánJorullo; arid tropical scrub forest and some tropicalsemi-deciduous forest in ravines...
William E. Duellman 「The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México」
...Ledges and terraceswithin the ancient crater may contain graves, but lava flows and ashdeposits have obliterated all traces of such if they ever existed...
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」
...The waters employed for the cure were those whichspring from the lava rocks at Nemi, and which, until a fewyears ago, fell in graceful cascades into the lake, at a placecalled "Le Mole...
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」
...After the road from old Camp Verde to Flagstaff passes a desertedcabin at Beaver Head, it winds up a steep hill of lava or malpais to thetop of the Mogollones...
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」
...One of these,much smaller than the ó-mow-ûh pipe, was made of lava, and boreevidence of use before burial...
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」
...On theleft of the village, near a railway bridge and several quarries ofvery old hard lava, is the site of Appiolæ, one of the cities of theLatin League, destroyed by Tarquinius Priscus...
Hugh Macmillan 「Roman Mosaics」
...Running down the middle of the Forum is a rough, ancient causeway,with its blocks of lava still in their original position, but sodisjointed that it is no easy task walking over them...
Hugh Macmillan 「Roman Mosaics」
..." The misty smokes of a thousand fires roseskyward from the lava beds of its upper end...
Various 「Astounding Stories, May, 1931」
glimmerings Danvers Steubenville