

...The reporter's argument was just, and besides, the incident of thebullet proved that a shot must have been fired in Lincoln Island withinthree months...   The reporters argument was just, and besides, the incident of thebullet proved that a shot must have been fired in Lincoln Island withinthree monthsの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...But just as they were rising, Top was heard loudly barking; and the dogissued from the wood, holding in his mouth a rag soiled with mud...   But just as they were rising, Top was heard loudly barking; and the dogissued from the wood, holding in his mouth a rag soiled with mudの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...However, after an hour's chase, the hunters had just managed to get holdof a couple lying in a thicket, when cries were heard resounding fromthe north part of the island...   However, after an hours chase, the hunters had just managed to get holdof a couple lying in a thicket, when cries were heard resounding fromthe north part of the islandの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...The sailor's reasoning was very just, and pointed out anincomprehensible fact, for the document appeared to have been recentlywritten, when the colonists found it in the bottle...   The sailors reasoning was very just, and pointed out anincomprehensible fact, for the document appeared to have been recentlywritten, when the colonists found it in the bottleの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

..."Therefore this wretched man knew nothing of the wreck of theBritannia; he had just heard of it from Glenarvan's account...   Therefore this wretched man knew nothing of the wreck of theBritannia; he had just heard of it from Glenarvans accountの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...[2]The events which have just been briefly related are takenfrom a work which some of our readers have no doubt read, and which isentitled Captain Grant's Children...   [2]The events which have just been briefly related are takenfrom a work which some of our readers have no doubt read, and which isentitled Captain Grants Childrenの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

...While onthis division, don’t cross your wife just at dinner-time...   While onthis division, don’t cross your wife just at dinner-timeの読み方
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」

..."Probably others also are feeling just as we feel...   Probably others also are feeling just as we feelの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

...The senior captain of theearlier body next desired Xenophon to repeat to this larger body thetopics upon which he had just before been insisting...   The senior captain of theearlier body next desired Xenophon to repeat to this larger body thetopics upon which he had just before been insistingの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

...That which he had just quitted and leftbehind him was no more his than that which he had not reached...   That which he had just quitted and leftbehind him was no more his than that which he had not reachedの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

...Everything concurred to destroy the enemy's armyand to strengthen his own; to serve him and to betray us; in a word, thecampaign, which was over for us, was but just about to begin for them...   Everything concurred to destroy the enemys armyand to strengthen his own; to serve him and to betray us; in a word, thecampaign, which was over for us, was but just about to begin for themの読み方
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」

... just as I would be?"...    just as I would be?の読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...An explosion has just occurred...   An explosion has just occurredの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

..."Confirmation has just been radioed to this station...   Confirmation has just been radioed to this stationの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...What will happenwhen those technies also deteriorate, and lose the will to work? Fordeteriorate they must, just as Senator Mollon and his still activeallies will...   What will happenwhen those technies also deteriorate, and lose the will to work? Fordeteriorate they must, just as Senator Mollon and his still activeallies willの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

..."And we're going to do just that!" Mich'l added in an entirely changedvoice...   And were going to do just that! Michl added in an entirely changedvoiceの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

..."It should be safe for thehuman body to descend just as far...   It should be safe for thehuman body to descend just as farの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

..."Spare the time? You just try and keep me from going!"...   Spare the time? You just try and keep me from going!の読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」



aborigine   stockade   laplace  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
生産的   新機軸   世界初  

