...The employees listened to his interrogations with a distraught air...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...Aramis, continuing his interrogations, asked the prisoner what the leaders of the expedition contemplated doing with the leaders of Belle-Isle...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
... He recovered himself amidst a deluge of interrogations...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...His two companions looked at him questioningly, and in answer totheir implied interrogations he pointed at the ground directly infront of him...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」
... The examining Committee confined their interrogations to his last taskmaster...
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」
...Brown tauntingly, "and enjoy yourself, while I proceed with my interrogations...
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」
...Only his big ears moved,turning their wary interrogations toward every point of the compass,and his big nostrils suspiciously testing every current of air...
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」
distraught prussia electrically