

... At sight of the men the beasts looked up with menacing growls,but Tarzan strode in among them, dragging the trembling Wagambi withhim...    At sight of the men the beasts looked up with menacing growls,but Tarzan strode in among them, dragging the trembling Wagambi withhimの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」

...From his hideous growls, which now rose in strength and volume, heseemed to be in quite the mood...   From his hideous growls, which now rose in strength and volume, heseemed to be in quite the moodの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

... Their growls and the cries of the victim wouldawaken him...    Their growls and the cries of the victim wouldawaken himの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

...Amidst the cracking of the rifles and the growls of the carnivora rosethe death screams of stricken men and horses as they were dragged downby the blood-mad cats...   Amidst the cracking of the rifles and the growls of the carnivora rosethe death screams of stricken men and horses as they were dragged downby the blood-mad catsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

...It is collie custom to fightwith a running accompaniment of snarling growls...   It is collie custom to fightwith a running accompaniment of snarling growlsの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」

...But he also knew that when a dog lowers his headand growls, showing his eyetooth, he means business...   But he also knew that when a dog lowers his headand growls, showing his eyetooth, he means businessの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」

...The tiger stands where he leaped, and growls with rage...   The tiger stands where he leaped, and growls with rageの読み方
Prince Sarath Ghosh 「The Wonders of the Jungle」

...So he stands there, and growls for quite a while...   So he stands there, and growls for quite a whileの読み方
Prince Sarath Ghosh 「The Wonders of the Jungle」

..."Who is hitting me?" he growls...   Who is hitting me? he growlsの読み方
Prince Sarath Ghosh 「The Wonders of the Jungle」

...The Master knelt to listen; andpresently, as the sound of furious growls andbarks came from the depths, he arose, saying:“Now, my men, we may begin with picksand shovels; our badger is at home...   The Master knelt to listen; andpresently, as the sound of furious growls andbarks came from the depths, he arose, saying:“Now, my men, we may begin with picksand shovels; our badger is at homeの読み方
Alfred W. Rees 「Creatures of the Night」

...To appease his growls and snarls thevizcachas are sometimes forced to let him occupy one of their rooms fora season, or even permanently...   To appease his growls and snarls thevizcachas are sometimes forced to let him occupy one of their rooms fora season, or even permanentlyの読み方
Royal Dixon 「The Human Side of Animals」

...Quickly there ran aroundthe circle throaty growls of anger, and every slave raised a hand tothe lump on its neck...   Quickly there ran aroundthe circle throaty growls of anger, and every slave raised a hand tothe lump on its neckの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」



tints   skunk   dingo  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
不確実性   追加関税   美男美女  

