

...So that even what has been considered as fabulous has arisen from exaggeration or mistake...   So that even what has been considered as fabulous has arisen from exaggeration or mistakeの読み方
Captain Frederick Marryat 「The Mission; or Scenes in Africa」

...He knows, this fabulous sparrow, what I have been thinking about and have written...   He knows, this fabulous      sparrow, what I have been thinking about and have writtenの読み方
W. H. Hudson 「Birds in Town and Village」

...One day an all-powerful being places us in the midst of a fabulous city...   One day an all-powerful being      places us in the midst of a fabulous cityの読み方
Maurice Maeterlinck 「The Life of the Bee」

...Some years ago, giraffes were thought to be fabulous animals; and theill-treated Le Vaillant was supposed to have invented them, in spiteof the description which the Romans left of them...   Some years ago, giraffes were thought to be fabulous animals; and theill-treated Le Vaillant was supposed to have invented them, in spiteof the description which the Romans left of themの読み方
R. Lee 「Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals」

... Fabulous birds of gigantic size, often known under the Indian term garuda, play an important part in the beliefs of the Peninsular Malays...   

 Fabulous birds of gigantic size, often known under the Indian term garuda, play an important part in the beliefs of the Peninsular Malaysの読み方
Fay-Cooper Cole 「Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore」

... The Ilocano consider the komau a fabulous, invisible bird which steals people and their possessions...   

 The Ilocano consider the komau a fabulous, invisible bird which steals people and their possessionsの読み方
Fay-Cooper Cole 「Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore」

...A celebrated torrent in Arcadia--now called "Blackwater" from the dark color of the rocks over which it flows--fromwhich the fabulous river of the same name probablyoriginated...   A celebrated torrent in Arcadia--now called Blackwater from the dark color of the rocks over which it flows--fromwhich the fabulous river of the same name probablyoriginatedの読み方
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」

...Raphael's picture is the so-called AnsideiMadonna, of the National Gallery, London, purchased by the Englishgovernment, in 1885, for the fabulous price of £72,000...   Raphaels picture is the so-called AnsideiMadonna, of the National Gallery, London, purchased by the Englishgovernment, in 1885, for the fabulous price of £72,000の読み方
Estelle M. Hurll 「The Madonna in Art」

...Only by the glow ofradium paint, which commanded fabulous prices, could official businessbe transacted, and that only to a very small degree...   Only by the glow ofradium paint, which commanded fabulous prices, could official businessbe transacted, and that only to a very small degreeの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, October, 1930」

...A hundred millions of dollars in gold-leaf;there will be fabulous riches forus all, when that radium ore is soldfor a hundred million in gold-leaf...   A hundred millions of dollars in gold-leaf;there will be fabulous riches forus all, when that radium ore is soldfor a hundred million in gold-leafの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930」

...He had often heard of these mysterious, almost fabulous structuressometimes reported by passing travelers...   He had often heard of these mysterious, almost fabulous structuressometimes reported by passing travelersの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」

...But their systems, too simple, too sensible, and too stripped of wonders for the lovers of fancy, were obliged to surrender to the fabulous conjectures of Plato, Socrates, and Zeno...   But their systems, too simple, too      sensible, and too stripped of wonders for the lovers of fancy, were      obliged to surrender to the fabulous conjectures of Plato, Socrates, and      Zenoの読み方
Jean Meslier Anna Knoop 「Superstition In All Ages (1732)」

...It also gives occasion to the more judicious to regard the histories which speak of this kind of things as fabulous narrations...   It also gives occasion to the more      judicious to regard the histories which speak of this kind of things as      fabulous narrationsの読み方
Jean Meslier Anna Knoop 「Superstition In All Ages (1732)」

...They were a century ago regarded as perfectly fabulous, though there wasabundant testimony on the subject...   They were a century ago regarded as perfectly fabulous, though there wasabundant testimony on the subjectの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」



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