

...At greater or lessintervals leafy sanctuaries dotted the grassy expanse ahead of him andthe route he took, leading from one to another, indicated that he hadnot entirely cast discretion to the winds...   At greater or lessintervals leafy sanctuaries dotted the grassy expanse ahead of him andthe route he took, leading from one to another, indicated that he hadnot entirely cast discretion to the windsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

...Smith-Oldwick lay in such a position that he could see nearly theentire expanse of meadow and the aeroplane a short distance away...   Smith-Oldwick lay in such a position that he could see nearly theentire expanse of meadow and the aeroplane a short distance awayの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

...No European foot had ever trod upon its sand, nor had the eyes of a white man ever scanned its vast expanse of water...   No European foot had ever trod      upon its sand, nor had the eyes of a white man ever scanned its vast      expanse of waterの読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

... To the leftof the window a placid mill-pond spread its wide expanse, and to theright the creek disappeared under a canopy of overhanging trees...    To the leftof the window a placid mill-pond spread its wide expanse, and to theright the creek disappeared under a canopy of overhanging treesの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」

...This large bird, which weighs about 20 pounds, measures about 4 feet inlength, and has an expanse of wings of about 10 feet...   This large bird, which weighs about 20 pounds, measures about 4 feet inlength, and has an expanse of wings of about 10 feetの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...—Length, 3¾; tail, 1¾; wing expanse, 17 inches...   —Length, 3¾; tail, 1¾; wing expanse, 17 inchesの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Head and body, 2½ inches; tail, 1; wing expanse, 10 inches...   —Head and body, 2½ inches; tail, 1; wing expanse, 10 inchesの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Head and body, 1-4/5 inch; tail, 1-1/5 inch; wing expanse,10...   —Head and body, 1-4/5 inch; tail, 1-1/5 inch; wing expanse,10の読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Length, 5 inches; expanse, 15 to 16; tail, 1; fore-arm, 2-5/8;tibia, 1 inch...   —Length, 5 inches; expanse, 15 to 16; tail, 1; fore-arm, 2-5/8;tibia, 1 inchの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Head and body, 2½ inches; tail, 2; wing expanse, 13...   —Head and body, 2½ inches; tail, 2; wing expanse, 13の読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Head and body, 3 inches; tail, 2 inches; expanse, 19 inches...   —Head and body, 3 inches; tail, 2 inches; expanse, 19 inchesの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」



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