

...Specially among the Germans, who in my experiencedon’t excel in the lighter vein...   Specially among the Germans, who in my experiencedon’t excel in the lighter veinの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

...“And,” he continued, “I have tried to excel everything that Boccaccio, Aretin, and other masters of their craft have written in the same style...   “And,” he continued, “I have tried to excel      everything that Boccaccio, Aretin, and other masters of their craft have      written in the same styleの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」

... “I’m not a street bully, and I don’t excel in a rough-and-tumble...         “I’m not a street bully, and I don’t excel in a rough-and-tumbleの読み方
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」

...They excel, in the city of Fas, in themanufacture of woollens, cottons, silks, andgold-thread...   They excel, in the city of Fas, in themanufacture of woollens, cottons, silks, andgold-threadの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...They excel in the art ofmaking terras...   They excel in the art ofmaking terrasの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...At a still later period, soimperfectly had the facts been collated, that theelephant of Ceylon was believed "to excel that of Africa in sizeand strength...   At a still later period, soimperfectly had  the facts been collated, that theelephant of Ceylon was believed to excel that of Africa in sizeand strengthの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...Some dogs, however, seemto excel in acuteness of hearing, and others in peculiar powers ofvision...   Some dogs, however, seemto excel in acuteness of hearing, and others in peculiar powers ofvisionの読み方
Edward Jesse 「Anecdotes of Dogs」

...In laying qualities, the pure Shanghae equals, if it does not excel, anyother fowl...   In laying qualities, the pure Shanghae equals, if it does not excel, anyother fowlの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...And, today, though he proceeded to excel in thefirst of these qualities, he disgraced himself most woefully asregarded the second...   And, today, though he proceeded to excel in thefirst of these qualities, he disgraced himself most woefully asregarded the secondの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...Mantis-paralysing is a most perilous trade and admits of no half-successes; you have to excel in it from the first, under pain of death...   Mantis-paralysing is a most perilous trade and admits of      no half-successes; you have to excel in it from the first, under pain of      deathの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...Animals are a little like ourselves: they excel in an art only oncondition of specializing in it...   Animals are a little like ourselves: they excel in an art only oncondition of specializing in itの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」

...No human street-cleaner could ever excel their work...   No human street-cleaner could ever excel their workの読み方
Royal Dixon 「The Human Side of Animals」

... are the facts? Do the Japanese excel in philosophy...    are the facts? Do the Japanese excel in    philosophyの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...Him has the god decreed to excel in art, and I have seen the perfections of the work of his hands in every kind of rare stone, in gold and silver, in ivory and ebony...   Him has the god      decreed to excel in art, and I have seen the perfections of the work of      his hands in every kind of rare stone, in gold and silver, in ivory and      ebonyの読み方
L.W. King and H.R. Hall 「History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery」

...The men of the succeeding century (the fifteenth) felt that they couldnot rival their predecessors in invention, but might excel them inexecution...   The men of the succeeding century (the fifteenth) felt that they couldnot rival their predecessors in invention, but might excel them inexecutionの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Architecture and Painting」

... We can't all excel in the same thing, and I'm glad tosee you are beginning to realize the importance of work...    We cant all excel in the same thing, and Im glad tosee you are beginning to realize the importance of workの読み方
Ethel Sybil Turner 「Seven Little Australians」

...This is a favourite exercise with them, and of course they excel at it...   This is a favourite exercise with them, and of course they excel at itの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」



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