

..., goblin, evil spirit, malicious elf...   , goblin, evil spirit, malicious elfの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...pallida), Turkey, Elf Owl, Green Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker (D...   pallida), Turkey, Elf Owl, Green Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker (Dの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...—Miller (1955a:164) heard the Elf Owl at close range in oaks at 5000 feet in Boquillas Canyon of the Sierra del Carmen on April 24...   —Miller (1955a:164) heard the Elf Owl at close range in oaks at 5000 feet in Boquillas Canyon of the Sierra del Carmen on April 24の読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Theye depone thathir self confessis that quhat skill so ever scho hes, scho hed it of hirmother; and hir mother learnit at ane elf man quha lay with hir...   Theye depone thathir self confessis that quhat skill so ever scho hes, scho hed it of hirmother; and hir mother learnit at ane elf man quha lay with hirの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...[The devil] 'gave her ane elf errow stone to shott him [a childof seven] which she did ten dayes therafter that the child dyed imediatelytherafter...   [The devil] gave her ane elf errow stone to shott him [a childof seven] which she did ten dayes therafter that the child dyed imediatelytherafterの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...The poor lady-fairy,—a mother's aye amother, be she Elve's flesh or Eve's flesh,—hid her Elf son beside thechristened flesh in Marion Irving's cradle, and the auld enemy lost hisprey for a time...   The poor lady-fairy,—a mothers aye amother, be she Elves flesh or Eves flesh,—hid her Elf son beside thechristened flesh in Marion Irvings cradle, and the auld enemy lost hisprey for a timeの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...She then saw all her sheep come troopinginto the place, and on every sheep there was an Elf, who held in hishand a sheep's tail...   She then saw all her sheep come troopinginto the place, and on every sheep there was an Elf, who held in hishand a sheeps tailの読み方
Joseph Martin Kronheim 「My First Picture Book」

...After riding them about for some time, and having great fun withthem, the mad sport ceased, and each Elf restored the tail to hissheep—all but the Bell-wether's, which their leader hid in atree...   After riding them about for some time, and having great fun withthem, the mad sport ceased, and each Elf restored the tail to hissheep—all but the Bell-wethers, which their leader hid in atreeの読み方
Joseph Martin Kronheim 「My First Picture Book」

...Presently there came out from beneath an arbor of flowers a little miniature man, graceful and quick-moving as an elf...   Presently there came out      from beneath an arbor of flowers a little miniature man, graceful and      quick-moving as an elfの読み方
Thomas Wentworth Higginson 「Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic」

...And I will fare to Avalon, to the fairest of all maidens, to Argante the queen, an elf most fair, and she shall make my wounds all sound, make me all whole with healing draughts...   And I will fare to Avalon, to      the fairest of all maidens, to Argante the queen, an elf most fair, and      she shall make my wounds all sound, make me all whole with healing      draughtsの読み方
Thomas Wentworth Higginson 「Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic」



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