... During portions of the time, their married sister Rebecca, and her husband, Edwin Fussell, and their uncle, Dr...
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」
...‘It’s just fiveyears ago to-day since Edwin left mefor another,’ she says, mournfully, andthen, shrouding herself in gloom, livesover each poignant, past moment...
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」
...Previous generations could never have grasped the deep tragedy in thatfamous painting of Millet that inspired Edwin Markham to write his "Manwith the Hoe...
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 2, April 1906」
...By Edwin C...
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 4, June 1906」
...Collector, Edwin S...
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」
...Charles Edwin, Esq...
H. G. Nicholls 「The Forest of Dean」
...In the north aisle the north-west window of four lights (by Wailes) isa memorial to Hugh Edwin Strickland (1853)...
H. J. L. J. Massé 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury」
...She and her father were Christians, and Edwin, thoughstill a heathen, agreed that she should be allowed to take with her aChristian chaplain to Northumberland...
A. Clutton-Brock 「The Cathedral Church of York」
...Nennius states that Edwin of Northumbriawas baptised by Rum, the son of Urien...
A. Clutton-Brock 「The Cathedral Church of York」
...But in 633 Edwin was killed in battle, and Paulinus fled with the Queenback to Kent...
A. Clutton-Brock 「The Cathedral Church of York」
...It was a favourite walkwith my boys; and one day when I hadaccompanied them, Edwin stopped by thisstile to admire some sheep and cows whichwere quietly grazing...
Dolores Bacon 「Pictures Every Child Should Know」
...Sir Edwin Landseer was the most versatileand entertaining of artists...
Dolores Bacon 「Pictures Every Child Should Know」
..."Think not?" cried Sir Edwin...
Dolores Bacon 「Pictures Every Child Should Know」
...O me, my pleasant rambles by the lakeWith Edwin Morris and with Edward BullThe curate; he was fatter than his cure...
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 「The Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson」
...) Soemil begat Sguerthing, who begat Giulglis, who begat Ulfrea, who begat Iffi, who begat Ulli, Edwin, Osfrid and Eanfrid...
Nennius J. A. Giles 「History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum)」
... The following Easter Edwin himself received baptism, and twelve thousand of his subjects with him...
Nennius J. A. Giles 「History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum)」
...Two other ships—the colonial schoonerFrancis* (* This ship had been brought from England in frame in1792, the Edwin was locally built, the property of Mr...
Ida Lee 「The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson」
paddings desertion vicegerent