

...“All that might be well dispensed with,” said Don Quixote, “if I hadremembered to make a vial of the balsam of Fierabras, for time andmedicine are saved by one single drop...   “All that might be well dispensed with,” said Don Quixote, “if I hadremembered to make a vial of the balsam of Fierabras, for time andmedicine are saved by one single dropの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...There are no olives this year, and there is not a drop of vinegar to be had in the whole village...   There are no olives this year,        and there is not a drop of vinegar to be had in the whole villageの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」

...At other times, it was the cold; an unexpected drop in the thermometer would cover the ground with dead bodies...   At other times, it was the cold; an      unexpected drop in the thermometer would cover the ground with dead      bodiesの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Little by little they were letting themselves drop back on their heels, or seeking the support of their knapsacks...   Little by little they were letting themselves drop back      on their heels, or seeking the support of their knapsacksの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

..."May I never drink another drop of it if I don't win as finea pig as that of St Antony!" answered Alvar, stretching outhis neck so that his eyes might be bound...   May I never drink another drop of it if I dont win as finea pig as that of St Antony! answered Alvar, stretching outhis neck so that his eyes might be boundの読み方
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」

...Every drop of blood seemed to freeze in her veins; not even during the momentsof her wildest anguish in England had she so completely realised the imminenceof the peril in which her husband stood...   Every drop of blood seemed to freeze in her veins; not even during the momentsof her wildest anguish in England had she so completely realised the imminenceof the peril in which her husband stoodの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...“Oh! for a drop of water on this awful beach!” she cried in agony,seeing that he was ready to faint again...   “Oh! for a drop of water on this awful beach!” she cried in agony,seeing that he was ready to faint againの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...“Nay, m’dear,” he murmured with his good-humoured smile,“personally I should prefer a drop of good French brandy! an you’lldive in the pocket of this dirty old garment, you’ll find my flask...   “Nay, m’dear,” he murmured with his good-humoured smile,“personally I should prefer a drop of good French brandy! an you’lldive in the pocket of this dirty old garment, you’ll find my flaskの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...Fouquet hastened to the brink of the river, dipped some water in his hat, with which he bathed the temples of the musketeer, and introduced a few drop between his lips...   Fouquet hastened to      the brink of the river, dipped some water in his hat, with which he bathed      the temples of the musketeer, and introduced a few drop between his lipsの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...You wish to be, according to your tastes or private friendships, free to destroy my plans and save my enemies? I will thwart you or will drop you—seek a more compliant master...   You wish to be, according to your tastes      or private friendships, free to destroy my plans and save my enemies? I      will thwart you or will drop you—seek a more compliant masterの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...One or two may have promised themselves that they would drop a hint to the Colonel...   One or two may have promised themselves that they would      drop a hint to the Colonelの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

...You are of all men the man we want, the man we have been seeking everywhere, and—behold!—you drop from the skies into my path...   You are of all men      the man we want, the man we have been seeking everywhere, and—behold!—you      drop from the skies into my pathの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

... “We drop from above...         “We drop from aboveの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...But I did not need him to tell me the name, for I had divined it when I firstsaw the new plane drop from the clouds...   But I did not need him to tell me the name, for I had divined it when I firstsaw the new plane drop from the cloudsの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

...Into this he thrust the blade of his stone knife, and as it becamesuperheated he would withdraw it, touching a spot near the thin edgewith a drop of moisture...   Into this he thrust the blade of his stone knife, and as it becamesuperheated he would withdraw it, touching a spot near the thin edgewith a drop of moistureの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「The Beasts of Tarzan」

... It was thismoment that Tarzan chose to drop lightly from his tree into the villagestreet...    It was thismoment that Tarzan chose to drop lightly from his tree into the villagestreetの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

... With rare self-possession he let hisgaze drop, without appearing to have halted upon the mirror until itrested again upon the gems...    With rare self-possession he let hisgaze drop, without appearing to have halted upon the mirror until itrested again upon the gemsの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」



tango   disassociate   warp  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
大迷惑   一般人   偶発的  

