...Everything that he said showed an absolute submission to discipline—the eternal German discipline, blind and obedient, which was dominating even the most advanced parties...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...But, hark! I hear a voice that frees mine by dominating it...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...The grotto extended the space of about a hundred toises, to that little slope dominating a creek...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
... “Yes, sire,” murmured the musketeer, “you were the only man whose star was equal to the task of dominating the fortune and strength of my two friends...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...He took his stand there, dominating the entire assembly...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
...They began their fight for freedom fromSpain in 1579; in 1595, as a war measure against Spain, who atthat time was dominating Portugal, they made their first voyage toGuinea...
W.E.B. Du Bois 「The Negro」
...Climate has a dominating influence on the vegetational elementssketched above...
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」
...From this post of vantage on the edge of the meadows he could see thecrest of old Ringwaak dominating the forests to the south; and thesight, for some unknown reason, drew him...
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」
...Through social intercourse the moral character dominating a psychic group may be transmitted to members of an alien psychic group...
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」
...TheVirgin, dominating the composition, brings into unity the two smallerfigures...
Estelle M. Hurll 「The Madonna in Art」
...The dominating impression was that the fray was awesome, horriblebeyond power of description...
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」
...And, dominating it, in the center of that flabby forehead, a focal pointfor the gaze of the horrified observers, was a single glassy and lidlesseye...
Charles Willard Diffin 「Brood of the Dark Moon」
...In the firstplace, we see a colossal globe of fire dominating and governing theworlds that belong to him...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
strop parricide multitudes