

...The field was deserted, and the three men started off immediately inthe direction of the oncoming weed...   The field was deserted, and the three men started off immediately inthe direction of the oncoming weedの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...By mid-afternoon the streets of Washington were almost deserted...   By mid-afternoon the streets of Washington were almost desertedの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...silencioso, -a, silent, deserted, mute...   silencioso, -a, silent, deserted, muteの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...And when he was alone in the studio numerous callers—all women, some inquisitive and aggressive, others sad, with a deserted air—were constantly interrupting his thoughtful pursuits...   And when he was alone in the      studio numerous callers—all women, some inquisitive and aggressive,      others sad, with a deserted air—were constantly interrupting his      thoughtful pursuitsの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...He had been ridingon for about four hours, when, on arriving at a wood, almostalways deserted, as there was neither village nor inn throughoutthat district, he thought he heard voices in a thicket...   He had been ridingon for about four hours, when, on arriving at a wood, almostalways deserted, as there was neither village nor inn throughoutthat district, he thought he heard voices in a thicketの読み方
Antonio de Trueba Henry J. Gill 「The Cid Campeador」

...One hour afterward the environs of the plaza weredark and deserted, holding in their bowels the ferocious beasts whichfell quietly into the last sleep of their lives in this prison...   One hour afterward the environs of the plaza weredark and deserted, holding in their bowels the ferocious beasts whichfell quietly into the last sleep of their lives in this prisonの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」

...“But I deserted to the right side at Preston Pans—and that’s some comfort...   “But I deserted to the right side at Preston Pans—and      that’s some comfortの読み方
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」

...When Chauvelin reached the supper-room it was quite deserted...   When Chauvelin reached the supper-room it was quite desertedの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...Chauvelin smiled benignly, and rubbing his long, thin hands together, he lookedround the deserted supper-room, whence even the last flunkey had retired inorder to join his friends in the hall below...   Chauvelin smiled benignly, and rubbing his long, thin hands together, he lookedround the deserted supper-room, whence even the last flunkey had retired inorder to join his friends in the hall belowの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...The lawn was deserted now, and Marguerite looked down upon the terrace whereshe had stood a few moments ago trying vainly to win back a man’s love,which once had been so wholly hers...   The lawn was deserted now, and Marguerite looked down upon the terrace whereshe had stood a few moments ago trying vainly to win back a man’s love,which once had been so wholly hersの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...It was deserted...   It was desertedの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...I had half a mindto go back and hammer at the door, but I reflected that major-generalsdon’t pay visits to deserted châteaux at night without a reasonableerrand...   I had half a mindto go back and hammer at the door, but I reflected that major-generalsdon’t pay visits to deserted châteaux at night without a reasonableerrandの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

...The sentinels, now from habit become a fixed tribal custom, eitherrelaxed their vigilance or entirely deserted their posts, as the whimseized them...   The sentinels, now from habit become a fixed tribal custom, eitherrelaxed their vigilance or entirely deserted their posts, as the whimseized themの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」

...He found the garden deserted, nor any sign of her he sought...   He found the garden deserted, nor any sign of her he soughtの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」



exodus   cretins   trouncing  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
棋王戦   本人次第   逃走中  

