...Joaquin Dominguez Becquer,a brother and disciple of D...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...y muy reverendos señoresarzobispos y obispos—dirigida por D...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
..., 1901; and a Tratado deLiteratura Preceptiva, by D...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...First variant: There is no verso libre, and therhyme-scheme is a b b c a d d c...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...Second variant: The first and fifth verses are libres and theothers rhyme 1 b b c 5 d d c...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...1453, d....
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...The SevilleArchbishops during the reign of Philip II were D...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...1568), D...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...The D....
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」
... The masculineprefix of the apes is BU, the feminine MU; g Tarzan had named LA, o hepronounced TU, and d was MO...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Jungle Tales of Tarzan」
...110; class D, Further Series, p...
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」
...Moncure D...
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」
...He forced open the case, and saw, roughly scratched on the inside, the letter D...
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」
... “Name yer pizons, boys, an’ get outside ‘em, wishin’ all good luck to R’yal Straight; R’yal Straight bein’ the name o’ this yer stone given by Thomas D...
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」
...Benjamin Rush and Tench Coxe, secretaries; James Star, treasurer; William Lewis, John D...
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...By the late EDWARD BURTON, D.D....
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...TURTON, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, and Dean of Peterborough....
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...Next morning Captain D...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...But in the morning I found Captain D...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...350 Magnum and brought to a halt...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...Two days before Captain D...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...Christianity fell before the old heathenism, and in 1814 we find the King of Congo, D...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」
...They tell that in a bush station inupper Nigeria, one officer got his D...
Richard Harding Davis 「The Congo and Coasts of Africa」
...John Payne, D.D....
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1」
waffles external contortion