

...I will show you what I mean,” she said, concisely; “words are gas till you condense them into pictures...   I will show you what I mean,” she said, concisely;      “words are gas till you condense them into picturesの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...I shall slightly condense from Howitt's Native Tribes of South-EastAustralia the man's own story of his experience of initiation...   I shall slightly condense from Howitts Native Tribes of South-EastAustralia the mans own story of his experience of initiationの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...The endeavor has been to point out the readiest and most approved Methodsof Operation, and condense in its pages; as much practical information asits limits will admit...   The endeavor has been to point out the readiest and most approved Methodsof Operation, and condense in its pages; as much practical information asits limits will admitの読み方
Samuel D. Humphrey 「American Handbook of the Daguerrotype」

...By these it is seen that a double-convexlens tends to condense the rays of light to a focus, a double-concave toscatter them, and a concavo-convex combines both powers...   By these it is seen that a double-convexlens tends to condense the rays of light to a focus, a double-concave toscatter them, and a concavo-convex combines both powersの読み方
Samuel D. Humphrey 「American Handbook of the Daguerrotype」

...These themselves weresupposed to condense into the nucleus for a rotating planet, which might, incontracting, again throw off rings to form satellites...   These themselves weresupposed to condense into the nucleus for a rotating planet, which might, incontracting, again throw off rings to form satellitesの読み方
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」

...The time will assuredly come when the internal heat mustdecline, when the clouds will gradually condense into oceans...   The time will assuredly come when the internal heat mustdecline, when the clouds will gradually condense into oceansの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」

...We know by abundant experiments that a massof true aqueous vapor will never condense into clouds or drops so longas its temperature and the pressure of the air upon it remain unchanged...   We know by abundant experiments that a massof true aqueous vapor will never condense into clouds or drops so longas its temperature and the pressure of the air upon it remain unchangedの読み方
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」

...Thus, at the depth of 1000 miles, the pressureon every cubic inch is more than 2000 tons, a weight which wouldgreatly condense the hardest metal...   Thus, at the depth of 1000 miles, the pressureon every cubic inch is more than 2000 tons, a weight which wouldgreatly condense the hardest metalの読み方
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」



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言語道断   大迷惑   極限環境  

