

...The class of thechætogatha, which is only represented by the cognate genera ofSagitta and Spadella, is in another respect also a mostremarkable branch of the extensive vermalia stem...   The class of thechætogatha, which is only represented by the cognate genera ofSagitta and  Spadella, is in another respect also a mostremarkable branch of the extensive vermalia stemの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...A cognate form (Parechidna Bruyni) has latelybeen found in New Guinea...   A cognate form (Parechidna Bruyni) has latelybeen found in New Guineaの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...The accompanying paper is one of the results of personal investigationsamong the Omaha of Nebraska and cognate tribes of Indians, beginning in1878 and continued from time to time during late years...   The accompanying paper is one of the results of personal investigationsamong the Omaha of Nebraska and cognate tribes of Indians, beginning in1878 and continued from time to time during late yearsの読み方
James Owen Dorsey, 「Omaha Dwellings, Furniture and Implements」

...) in the British Museum and other cognate sources we get a fair insight of the amusement afforded by these dancers and joculators...   ) in the British    Museum and other cognate sources we get a fair insight of the amusement afforded    by these dancers and joculatorsの読み方
Anonymous 「The Dance (by An Antiquary)」

...In the third line mizrāta, cognate with the HebrewMazzārōth, means the sections or divisions of the year,corresponding to the signs of the zodiac mentioned in the second line...   In the third line mizrāta, cognate with the HebrewMazzārōth, means the sections or divisions of the year,corresponding to the signs of the zodiac mentioned in the second lineの読み方
E. Walter Maunder 「The Astronomy of the Bible」



kingston   immobile   initiates  



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幸福追求権   窒素固定   南京事件  

