...Tallis had not attempted "expression" in his setting of the Canticles...
William Benham 「Old St. Paul's Cathedral」
...Tertullian tells us that they danced to the singing of hymns and canticles...
Anonymous 「The Dance (by An Antiquary)」
...Clement ofAlexandria does not scruple to call the Cumæan Sibyl a trueprophetess, and her oracles saving canticles...
Hugh Macmillan 「Roman Mosaics」
...Adapted to the Psalter and Canticles, as pointed to be Sungin Churches...
William Pridden 「Australia, its history and present condition」
...The Canticles and Athanasian Creed alone, price 4d...
William Pridden 「Australia, its history and present condition」
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