

...Subspeciation in the kangaroo rat Dipodomys ordii...   Subspeciation in the kangaroo rat Dipodomys ordiiの読み方
Ticul Alvarez 「The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico」

...Among thepouched mammals, especially in the species of kangaroo, there are formswhich commend themselves as very fair subjects for taming...   Among thepouched mammals, especially in the species of kangaroo, there are formswhich commend themselves as very fair subjects for tamingの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...But,as against that, he was sitting still, while Finn came at him with thetremendous momentum of a powerful spring from higher ground than that occupiedby the kangaroo...   But,as against that, he was sitting still, while Finn came at him with thetremendous momentum of a powerful spring from higher ground than that occupiedby the kangarooの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...A savage creature was Warrigal and a brave andquite relentless enemy, the marks of whose fangs more than one fighting memberof her race and more than one powerful kangaroo would carry always...   A savage creature was Warrigal and a brave andquite relentless enemy, the marks of whose fangs more than one fighting memberof her race and more than one powerful kangaroo would carry alwaysの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...In due course Warrigal winded the mother kangaroo, andconveyed instant warning to Finn and the others by a sudden checking of herpace...   In due course Warrigal winded the mother kangaroo, andconveyed instant warning to Finn and the others by a sudden checking of herpaceの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...Then she conceived thebold plan of "cutting out" the mother kangaroo from the mob, and trusting toFinn to pull her down...   Then she conceived thebold plan of cutting out the mother kangaroo from the mob, and trusting toFinn to pull her downの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...This led him tothe remains of the mother kangaroo, where he disturbed some lesser creatureswho were supping at their ease...   This led him tothe remains of the mother kangaroo, where he disturbed some lesser creatureswho were supping at their easeの読み方
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」

...Ord's kangaroo rat is found in sparsely vegetated flatlands throughoutHarding County, although it appears to be uncommon except in localizedareas of relatively sandy soils...   Ords kangaroo rat is found in sparsely vegetated flatlands throughoutHarding County, although it appears to be uncommon except in localizedareas of relatively sandy soilsの読み方
Kenneth W. Andersen 「Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota」

...The fruit or seeds of this plant are eaten bystriped skunks, gray foxes, coyotes, pocket mice, kangaroo rats,wood rats, and probably white-footed mice...   The fruit or seeds of this plant are eaten bystriped skunks, gray foxes, coyotes, pocket mice, kangaroo rats,wood rats, and probably white-footed miceの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...Rough terrain or steep slopes are generally avoided,whereas rather large colonies of these kangaroo rats are found insmall flats of the desert foothills...   Rough terrain or steep slopes are generally avoided,whereas rather large colonies of these kangaroo rats are found insmall flats of the desert foothillsの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...Here they found shelterin the unused burrows of kangaroo rats and ground squirrels...   Here they found shelterin the unused burrows of kangaroo rats and ground squirrelsの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...On the desert slope, remains of the following fooditems were identified from coyote feces: kangaroo rats, mule deer,jack rabbits, passerine bird, manzanita and juniper fruit, beetles,grapes and apples...   On the desert slope, remains of the following fooditems were identified from coyote feces: kangaroo rats, mule deer,jack rabbits, passerine bird, manzanita and juniper fruit, beetles,grapes and applesの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...Accounts of these four mammals and of apreviously unnamed subspecies of kangaroo rat on Mustang Island, Texas,follow...   Accounts of these four mammals and of apreviously unnamed subspecies of kangaroo rat on Mustang Island, Texas,followの読み方
E. Raymond Hall 「Mammals Obtained by Dr. Curt von Wedel from the Barrier Beach of Tamaulipas, Mexico」

...Dipodomys spectabilis spectabilis Merriam requires comparisonwith three other forms of kangaroo rats in the same general region,namely, D...   Dipodomys spectabilis spectabilis Merriam requires comparisonwith three other forms of kangaroo rats in the same general region,namely, Dの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」

..., Goldman heard a kangaroo rat near camp makingthis thumping noise...   , Goldman heard a kangaroo rat near camp makingthis thumping noiseの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」

...The kangaroo rat is strictly nocturnal...   The kangaroo rat is strictly nocturnalの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」

...On removal of the plug from the mouth of a kangaroo ratburrow, one may sometimes see a fresh mass of earth and refuse shovedinto the opening from within...   On removal of the plug from the mouth of a kangaroo ratburrow, one may sometimes see a fresh mass of earth and refuse shovedinto the opening from withinの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」

...The extremely largemastoids found in kangaroo rats suggest a connection in some waywith special developments of the sense of hearing or of balance...   The extremely largemastoids found in kangaroo rats suggest a connection in some waywith special developments of the sense of hearing or of balanceの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」

...Probably no instinct is of greater importance to the kangaroo ratthan that of storing food supplies...   Probably no instinct is of greater importance to the kangaroo ratthan that of storing food suppliesの読み方
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」



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