

...At any other time, he would have burst into roars of laughter at beholding this scrawny, bony warrior with the cruel eyes, with his brawny braceleted arms appearing through the loose sleeves...   At any other time, he would have burst into roars of      laughter at beholding this scrawny, bony warrior with the cruel eyes, with      his brawny braceleted arms appearing through the loose sleevesの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

... bony hands...    bony handsの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...Thethree parallel lines of bony protuberances down the back gave a furthertouch of color to the body, those following the line of the spine beingred, while those on either side are yellow...   Thethree parallel lines of bony protuberances down the back gave a furthertouch of color to the body, those following the line of the spine beingred, while those on either side are yellowの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」

... bringing his bony fist crashing down on the table so that papers...    bringing his bony fist crashing down on the table      so that papersの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

...Come," she said, stretchingforth a bony hand...   Come, she said, stretchingforth a bony handの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Untamed」

... Chauvelin somehow felt an unpleasant shiver running down his spine as Robespierre, perfectly urbane and gentle in his manner, placed a long, bony hand upon his shoulder...         Chauvelin somehow felt an unpleasant shiver running down his spine as      Robespierre, perfectly urbane and gentle in his manner, placed a long,      bony hand upon his shoulderの読み方
Baroness Emmuska Orczy 「The Elusive Pimpernel」

...The bony skeleton presents no distinctly racial lines of variation...   The bony skeleton presents no distinctly racial lines of variationの読み方
W.E.B. Du Bois 「The Negro」

...There was one weaver, Mathias, very bony, and witha skin like parchment, very poor, but blessed with many children...   There was one weaver, Mathias, very bony, and witha skin like parchment, very poor, but blessed with many childrenの読み方
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 3, May 1906」

...In the wild buffalo the eye is alwaysdeeply set, well protected by the edge of the bony orbit, and perfect inform and expression...   In the wild buffalo the eye is alwaysdeeply set, well protected by the edge of the bony orbit, and perfect inform and expressionの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」

...They are perfectly round, and taper graduallyto the tips, which are smooth; the bony cores are also spiral, sothat in the dry skull the horn screws on and off...   They are perfectly round, and taper graduallyto the tips, which are smooth; the bony cores are also spiral, sothat in the dry skull the horn screws on and offの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Of the only specimen I have atpresent in my collection the posterior measurement from cranium totip of horn is 6½ inches, of which the bony pedicle is 3 inches...   Of the only specimen I have atpresent in my collection the posterior measurement from cranium totip of horn is 6½ inches, of which the bony pedicle is 3 inchesの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Then the bony clamp or par-occipitalprocess, which in the cats is fixed against the hinder end of thebulla, is in the dogs separated by a decided groove...   Then the bony clamp or par-occipitalprocess, which in the cats is fixed against the hinder end of thebulla, is in the dogs separated by a decided grooveの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Atcertain distances in each jaw they projected threeinches above the gum, and were sunk one inch intothe bony support, being thus as long as the fangsof a tiger, but more slender...   Atcertain distances in each jaw they projected threeinches above the gum, and were sunk one inch intothe bony support, being thus as long as the fangsof a tiger, but more slenderの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

...Phyllomedusa is recognizedon the basis of a vertical pupil and opposable thumb; Plectrohylais characterized by the presence of a bony prepollex and the absenceof a quadratojugal...   Phyllomedusa is recognizedon the basis of a vertical pupil and opposable thumb; Plectrohylais characterized by the presence of a bony prepollex and the absenceof a quadratojugalの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca」



diagnosis   muddles   ingestion  



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